Student Survey on Sexual and Relationship Violence
In spring 2021, New York Institute of Technology conducted its third student survey on sexual and relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. This survey was sent to all students on our three U.S. campuses. Over 700 students (about 12% of those surveyed) responded.
The survey was intended to gather information about:
- Student awareness of campus policies, procedures, and resources relating to these offenses.
- Student experiences with incidents of sexual violence, relationship violence, sexual harassment, and stalking.
- Bystander attitudes and intervention.
- Student perception of the campus climate surrounding these issues.
Results indicate that 95% of students surveyed feel safe at New York Tech, and the overwhelming majority feel supported by faculty and staff. Students also indicated high levels of bystander intervention and willingness to express discomfort with inappropriate behaviors or comments.
The survey shows that students have a solid understanding of affirmative consent, with 90% of students indicating an understanding of what affirmative consent means.
When it comes to reporting, over 90% of responding students believed that the school would take their report seriously, and the vast majority of students knew the school has policies prohibiting these behaviors. About two-thirds of the respondents understood how the school’s formal procedures operate, which is up from the spring 2019 survey.
Students also indicated more familiarity with the role of the Title IX Coordinator than in the 2019 survey. Additionally, students responded more positively to questions regarding training and materials on these topics, with over 90% of respondents recalling receipt of information (compared to only 60% in the spring 2019 survey).
While these results are highly encouraging for New York Tech, the survey also highlighted those areas where we need to focus our efforts. Only about 30% of students knew who the Title IX Coordinator was, and while over 40% indicated that they knew how to contact the Title IX Coordinator, these numbers are both certainly lower than we would like.
The survey also reflected an increase in experiences of sexual and interpersonal misconduct, up from our prior surveys. Notably, over 15% of respondents also indicated that someone had, or had attempted to, have unwanted sexual contact with them prior to coming to college.
New York Tech will use the findings of this survey to continue improving education, prevention, support and adjudication surrounding these vital topics.
We will be conducting the next sexual and relationship violence survey in the spring of 2023.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the Title IX Office at