Educat Leadership & Technology
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Name | Title | Credits | School |
EDLT 800 | Organizational Behavior and Leadership | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This is an introductory course designed to provide an orientation to the field of educational leadership, including an understanding of various administrative roles and the changing focus of leadership and technology in the schools. Candidates will develop a personal philosophy that guides the educational applications of information communication technology in the school building. The class format will include discussion of such topics as organizational theory, decision making, the nature of effective leadership, the change process, organizational health, team building, shared decision making, site based management, and the role technologies play in maintaining the school as a learning community. |
EDLT 805 | Leadership in Technology I | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This is a course designed to give appropriate knowledge in the technology options available to schools as they develop strategic plans. Candidates will gain more insight into the types and use of technology and its place in curriculum and school planning in general. The culmination of this course will be the development of a rubric for the implementation of technology programs and the evaluation of the effectiveness of each technology use. |
EDLT 810 | Educational Research and Evaluation | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This course has three major objectives. The first is to develop an awareness of the various research methodologies commonly employed in educational research and in the social sciences. Included in this are the types of data collection, data analysis, interpretation and corresponding generalization of findings. Second, the course is intended to help the student become a better consumer and critic of the research as reported in the literature. Third, the candidate will become familiar with the research and related literature in their particular specialization and technology. This is an introductory survey course with major emphasis on the types of empirical research methods, procedures, instrumentation and other forms of data collection, and analysis associated with both quantitative and qualitative research. |
EDLT 815 | Leadership in Technology II | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This course builds upon the work of EDLT 805 Leadership and Technology I. Candidates will design a technology plan as the culminating project. The plan will include needs analysis, goals and measurable objectives, evaluation, allocation of resources, i.e. human, space, and physical layout, and budget. Technical issues of connectivity, server capacity, network functionality, and accessibility issues will be addressed in the plan. A section of the plan will include acceptable use policies, home/school communication, and legal, ethical, security and privacy. Candidates will seek input from technology coordinators and district/school administrators. |
EDLT 820 | Developmental Supervision of Instructional Programs | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
Instructional supervision and evaluation is the most challenging responsibility of a school leader. This course is designed to examine the most recent research and theory that support effective teaching, supervision, and evaluations of teachers. Concepts such as effective leadership, change theory, peer coaching, instructional conferences, adult learning, clinical supervision, interaction analysis, and evaluation models will be introduced along with an emphasis on communication. Strategies for using formative observations, goal setting, self reflection, and summative evaluations will be explored. Candidates will practice strategies in authentic and simulated situations. |
EDLT 825 | Curriculum Design, Implementation and Evaluation | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This course is designed to help individuals seeking administrative certification to critically design, implement, and evaluate educational programs that are imaginative and innovative in approach. Attention is directed to all areas of curriculum including its relationship to instruction, technology, and assessment. The course will explore the newest innovations in curriculum and instructional technology for today's schools. |
EDLT 830 | Professional Learning and Human Resources Administration | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This course is designed for educators who are preparing for positions in school building and school district administration. The course examines the nature and importance of human resources, and organizational designs for its administration brought about by societal, economic, political, and organizational pressures. The scope of the course is to help aspiring school administrators understand the context of the human resources function, lead professional learning, comprehend the nature and significance of how personnel respond to work in organizations, and utilize this knowledge to practice effective human resources leadership. |
EDLT 835 | Educational Law, Policy, and Ethics | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
In this course, the candidate will examine federal, state, local laws and regulations that directly impact upon the conduct of public school personnel. Emphases will include: Sources of the law, case law relevant to the administration of schools, special areas such as special education and gifted education, mandated curricula, federally funded projects, constitutional law, employment law, tort law, copyright law, internet law and contract law. In addition, candidates will examine educational policy on the federal, state, and local level. Finally candidates will reflect upon ethical practices in school leadership. The candidate will be involved actively in finding legal solutions to cases and will be given an opportunity to advocate for a particular position. |
EDLT 840 | Resource Allocation | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This course offers field based demonstrations and experience with technology applications for data management, planning, and evidence based decision making in schools. Candidates will also examine budgeting of information systems and network management systems for data storage, security, design, and maintenance requirements for decision making regarding resource allocation. Projects will demonstrate applications of data driven decision making including strategies for data analysis, resource allocation, and program evaluation. |
EDLT 845 | Administrative Internship and Seminar | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
The purpose of the Seminar is to provide the intern with an opportunity to discuss the integration of the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired during graduate study and the actual leadership experience in the school setting. It is the capstone experience. |
EDLT 850 | Principles and Applications of School District Leadership | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
In this course candidates will demonstrate the knowledge and skills of leadership and their applications by investigating and analyzing leadership style. Candidates will develop a district vision statement and design action plans for instituting procedures for collaboration and cooperation to sustain the vision and mission. The plan will propose 21st century programs and resources to promote student success with the involvement of all stakeholders in addressing the organization, implementation, communication, and accountability systems in the district. |
EDLT 855 | District Change, Supervision, and Accountability | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This course is designed to develop a candidate's knowledge and skills of the change process and managing its impact on the organizational system. Data-driven decision-making will be used for long-range planning for educational programs, allocating resources, systems management, technology infrastructure and deployment, and problem solving. Accountability systems will be designed to manage the implementation of educational plans and uses of technology in the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context of the district's community. |
EDLT 860 | Leadership and Management of District Educational Programs | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
In this course, candidates will investigate current research that addresses the management of educational programs beneficial for all students in a diverse community. District level plans will be developed using cognitive and affective data to create authentic academic, developmental and socially appropriate culture for preparing K- 12 students to be productive 2 1" century citizens. Candidates will demonstrate strategies for the acquisition, distribution, and maintenance of resources, professional development, staff hiring, consensus building, and technology to support programs that align with emerging trends and innovations in education and global society. |
EDLT 865 | Business Leadership of School Systems | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
This course is designed to develop the candidate's knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of district business administration. Candidates will use technology and data driven decision making in budgeting procedures, financial accounting, purchasing, auditing, salary scheduling, supervising operations and maintenance, choosing insurance, food services, transportation, and dealing with safety and legal issues. Candidates will participate in simulations and projects at the district level. |
EDLT 870 | District Leadership Internship and Seminar | 3 | College of Arts & Sciences |
The purpose of the Internship is to provide the candidate leadership experience in the school district setting only. The seminar component will provide the opportunity to discuss the integration of theoretical knowledge and the skills acquired during the experience. It is the capstone experience for the School District Leader Certificate. The internship and seminar will extend over 15 weeks. |