Electrical Engineering
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Name | Title | Credits | School |
EENG 502 | Electrical Circuits I and Engineering Tools | 4 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Properties of linear networks, mesh and nodal analysis, network theorems, solution of first order and second order circuits in the time domain are studied. A software package, such as PSPICE, MATLAB and MATHCAD will be introduced. |
EENG 504 | Introduction to Electronics Circuits | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Characterization of semiconductor diodes, Zener diodes, transistors and field effect transistors (FET).Effect of temperature variation. Amplifier bias analysis and large signal analysis. Power amplifiers. Small signal models and small signal amplifier analysis. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee. |
EENG 505 | Fundamentals of Digital Logic | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The course introduces students to the modeling and design of fundamental digital circuits. Topics cover introduction to binary numbering, Boolean algebra, combinatorial and sequential logic circuits and memory elements (e.g. ROM, RAM and non-volatile computer memory). VHDL will be used in modeling, simulation and synthesis of digital circuits. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee. Knowledge of Algebra. |
EENG 508 | Electrical Circuits II | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Topics covered in this course include: phasors, AC steady-state analysis, transfer functions, frequency response, Laplace transform two-port networks. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 185 or CSCI 504. |
EENG 512 | Control Systems | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Control systems analysis. Differential equations of motion of mass-spring and RLC systems. Differential equations of motion of servo-mechanism. Response to step, ramp and sinusoidal forcing command. Servomechanism transfer functions, signal-flow diagrams. State-space description; transition matrix, sensitivity analysis and error analysis. Stability analysis using the Bode diagram and the root-locusmethods. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 281 or EENG 508. |
EENG 514 | Signals and Systems | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Topics covered in this course are: discrete networks, difference equations, discrete continuous convolution, Z transforms and Fourier series and transforms. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 508 or EENG 281 |
EENG 515 | Random Signals and Statistics | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This course covers basic probability concepts, discrete and continuous random variables, distribution and density functions, and stochastic processes. Principles of statistical inference with applications in basic engineering design are discussed. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 341 or EENG 514. |
EENG 518 | Communication Theory | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Review of Fourier transform and series, correlation and spectral densities of deterministic signals, baseband and bandpass linear systems, AM and FM modulation/demodulation schemes, elements of PCM, introduction to information theory and coding, and introduction to communication networks. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 341 or EENG 514. Co-requisite: EENG 515. |
EENG 519 | Medical Devices: An Embedded Systems Approach | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The fundamentals of embedded systems design and implementation are introduced. The fundamentals include: specifications of microcontrollers, common hardware/ software, peripherals and interfacing, memory, performance analysis and optimization, CAD tools, hardware- description languages, FPGA design flows, Low- power computing, and circuit architectures. This course will provide students with an overview of the latest advancements in research, design, development, and new applications of a wide variety of medical devices. A brief background on excitable cells and neuromuscular system will be provided; hence, no biological background is needed. Examples of important medical devices, including pacemakers. Cochlear implants, insulin pumps, and deep brain stimulators will be discussed. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/ or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-0-3 Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 310. Co-requisite: EENG 370 |
EENG 600 | Maintain Matriculation | 0 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Matriculated students who do not register for coursework in a regular semester (excluding summer) are required to maintain matriculation by registering for this course. |
EENG 611 | Radar System Analysis | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Radar system components, target cross section, radar range equation, propagation effects, waveforms and ambiguity functions, time and spatial sampling of radar signals, detection theory, beamforming, introduction to MIMO and passive radars, and a course project based on MATLAB/SIMULINK. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
EENG 615 | Wireless Communication Networks | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Basic concepts of multi-channel and multi-i communications will be reviewed and fading multi-path channels will be discussed. Scheduling in packet networks, max-weight scheduling, complexity, and distributed randomized algorithms; Routing protocols; MAC layer protocols in wireless networks; Scheduling in wireless networks; Throughput scaling laws for wireless networks; Network resource allocation, Interpretation of network architecture and algorithms in terms of optimization solution; A brief introduction to Random/slotted ALOHA, wireless LANs CSMA/CA, IEEE 802.11 MAC, 3GPP networks (UMTS and LTE), Peer-to-peer networks and Cloud networking. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
EENG 625 | Quantum Computing and Engineering | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The course is an introduction to the emerging field of quantum computing and engineering. Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to, quantum measurement theory, quantum teleportation, quantum circuits, quantum computers, quantum noise, and quantum cryptography. |
EENG 633 | Parallel Computing Systems | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The course introduces students to parallel computer systems. The course covers topics such as sequential and parallel execution, synchronization, pipe lines, and vector processing. SIMD and MIMD machines are studied. Multi stage and computer interconnection networks are presented. The routing and the flow control in these networks are discussed. Shared memory, multicomputer systems, caches, and cache coherence are covered. Data flow systems are introduced and analyzed. |
EENG 635 | Probability and Stochastic Processes | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Elements of probability theory. Random variables, distributions, densities, moments, characteristic functions, functions of random variables and limit theorems. Correlation, spectral density, ergodicity and applications in linear systems. Normal, Poisson and Wiener processes, mean square estimation and Markov processes. Application to electrical engineering noise analysis. Equivalent to CSCI 635. |
EENG 641 | Computer Architecture I | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This course explores modem architectural design patterns and exposes the students to latest technologies used to build computing systems. Concepts presented in this course include but are not limited to pipelining, multicore processors, superscalar processors with in-order and out-of order execution, virtual machines, memory hierarchy, virtual memory, interconnection networking, storage and I/0 architectures, computer clustering and cloud computing. Students are introduced to performance evaluation techniques and learn how to use the results of such techniques in the design of computing systems. Equivalent to CSCI 641. |
EENG 650 | Medical Devices: An Embedded Systems Approach | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The fundamentals of embedded systems design and implementation are introduced. The fundamentals include: specifications of microcontrollers, common hardware/ software, peripherals and interfacing, memory, performance analysis and optimization, CAD tools, hardware- description languages, FPGA design flows, Low- power computing, and circuit architectures. This course will provide students with an overview of the latest advancements in research, design, development, and new applications of a wide variety of medical devices. A brief background on excitable cells and neuromuscular system will be provided; hence, no biological background is needed. Examples of important medical devices, including pacemakers. Cochlear implants, insulin pumps, and deep brain stimulators will be discussed. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours Course Credits 3-0-3 |
EENG 655 | Automata Theory | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Theory of finite automata, identification of states. Turning Machines, neural nets, majority logic. Applications in pattern recognition and game playing. Hardware and software implementations. Equivalent to CSCI 655. |
EENG 660 | Systems | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
EENG 661 | Introduction to Vlsi Design | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
An introduction to VLSI technology, NMDS devices, NMOS processing, electrical parameters, circuit design with NMOS, ratioed logic, pass transistors, static and dynamic logic, design rules, speed-time-power tradeoffs, effects of scaling, hierarchical design, the silicon foundry, design for testability, introduction to computer-aided design tools, design examples and student design projects. |
EENG 665 | Linear Systems | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This course will cover fundamental concepts in linear system theory such as matrix algebra, linear vector space, linear operator. Linearity, causality, and time invariance will be discussed. Input output and state space models will be presented. The concepts of controllability, observability, and stability of linear systems will be studied. |
EENG 670 | Electromagnetic Theory | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Basic concepts of electromagnetic fields are reviewed and relevant mathematical methods systematically introduced. Emphasis on in depth understanding of electromagnetic wave phenomena such as propagation of plane wares, in isotropic and anisotropic media, microwave networks, and radiation. Engineering application to microwave, optical, and radiating systems are discussed. |
EENG 675 | Coding and Information Theory | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Fundamentals of information theory are covered in this course. Topics such as information measure, entropy, and channel capacity are discussed. Source encoding and decoding, rate distortion theory, linear codes, block codes, convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm, encryption and decryption are presented. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 635 |
EENG 710 | Robotics of Flexible Automation | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This course presents analysis, design and implementation of robots. To be discussed are robot geometries, kinemetrics, dynamics, trajectory planning and control systems. The impact of these theoretical concepts on robot design will be covered and the integration of robots into flexible automation system will be discussed. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: Take one course in each group: Group 1 (EENG 660 or EENG 665) and Group 1 (EENG 630 or EENG 633) |
EENG 715 | Multivariable Control | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This course covers the state space control design of multi-input and multi-output systems. The H2 and H-infinity control problems are formulated and the design solution for these problems is presented and analyzed. The stability and robustness of the control design are studied. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 665 |
EENG 720 | Modern Control Theory | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Continuous time control system analysis and design. Sampled data and discrete time control system analysis and design. Nonlinear systems and stability. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 665 |
EENG 725 | Queuing Theory | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The queuing problem is described. The Poisson process, the Markovian property of the exponential distribution, stochastic processes and Markov chains are studied. Simple Markovian birth death queuing models as well as advanced Markovian queuing models are considered. Networks, series, and cyclic queues, models with general arrival and service patterns are presented. |
EENG 726 | Fundamentals of Markov Processes | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The account of the elementary theory of Markov chains with applications is presented. Topics include discrete time Markov chains and the Ergodic Theorem, continuous Markov Chains, exponential distribution, Poisson processes, and Brownian motion. Applications in Queueing theory, Decision theory, Markov chains and Monte Carlo methods will be discussed. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 635 and EENG 665 |
EENG 730 | Nanotechnology | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
An introduction to Nanotechnology is presented via the pragmatic criterion of usefulness. This includes an introduction to the Solid State Physics, methods of measuring nanosecond properties and individual Nano Particles, Carbon nanostructures, Nanostructure Ferromagnetism, Optical Spectroscopy, Quantum Wells, and Nano Machines and Devices. |
EENG 741 | Computer Architecture II | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Discussions of the advancements in computer architecture of and beyond the Von Neumann Architecture. This will include pipelined machines. RISC machines, parallel architectures, distributed architectures, and language directed architectures. Equivalent to CSCI 741. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 641 |
EENG 751 | Signal Processing I | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Fundamental processing of digital signals. Design of analog and digital filters. Applications of signal processing, industrial signal processing, image processing and speech synthesis with emphasis on design. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 665 |
EENG 755 | Computer Networks | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Quantitative approaches to the design of data and computer networks including the telephone network. Applications of queuing theory blocking and delay. Packet switching and OSI standards. Concepts of a layered architecture. The data link layer. Flow and congestion control in a network, routing, higher layers. An introduction to local area networks. A design project is part of this course. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 635 |
EENG 760 | Antenna Theory and Wave Propagation | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Development of fundamental concepts: vector potential integral, radiation pattern, directivity. Wire antennas: dipole, loop, helix, method of moments. Antenna arrays: analysis and synthesis, mutual coupling, optimization methods. Aperture antennas: horns, reflector systems, physical optics, uniform theory of diffraction. Frequency independent antennas: spiral, log periodic. Microstrip antennas. Adaptive arrays. Numerical procedures using computer software will be stressed. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 670 |
EENG 765 | Microwave Circuits | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The method of equivalent networks for electromagnetic structures is introduced and then employed to analyze the propagation of waves in metallic and dielectric guiding structures. Circuit models for waveguide discontinuities are developed. Impedance and scattering matrix descriptions of equivalent circuits are discussed. Metallic waveguides and cavities for microwaves, optical fibers, and planar dielectric waveguides for integrated optics are treated in detail. |
EENG 770 | Digital Communications | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Design techniques for modern communication systems. Digital signal representation, sampling, quantization, noise representation, modulation methods and multiplexing. System performance in the presence of noise with emphasis on design. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 635 |
EENG 775 | Communication Systems | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Design techniques for modern communication systems. Signal processing and noise representation in conjunction with linear systems. Modulation and demodulation techniques. System performance in the presence of noise. Emphasis on design using examples from current space, radar and satellite communications. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 635 |
EENG 780 | Silicon Integrated Circuit Theory and Fabrication | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Semiconductor device fabrication is the process used to create the integrated circuits that are present in most electrical and electronic devices. In this course, steps and processes of fabricating integrated circuit semiconductor devices are covered. Topics include crystal growth (thin film and bulk), thermal oxidation, dopant diffusion/implantation, thin film deposition/etching, and lithography. Introduction to process simulators, such as SUPREM, fabrication and characterization of MOS capacitors, junction diodes and MOSFET devices, introduction to Clean Room, metal interconnects, and statistical process controls. |
EENG 810 | Array Signal Processing | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This course is an introduction to the mathematical principles of array signal processing and their applications. Topics such as beamformer design, optimum array processing structures, detection and direction of arrival estimation and modern subspace methods are covered. Adaptive algorithms, their convergence properties and shortcomings are studied. Degradation of array performance resulting from nonideal operating conditions and techniques of compensation are investigated. Applications of array signal processing are introduced. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 751 |
EENG 830 | RF Electronic Circuits | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
The course introduces the student to RF electronic circuits. Almost sinusoidal oscillators, mixers, RF and IF frequency converters, frequency synthesizers, power amplifiers, and PM modulation and demodulation circuits are covered. The augmentation of conventional models of communication electronics by the principles of fields and waves at SHF mobile radio band is discussed. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 770 |
EENG 845 | Wireless Communications and Networks | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Basic concepts of multi-channel and multi-i communications will be reviewed and fading multi-path channels will be discussed. Scheduling in packet networks, max-weight scheduling, complexity, and distributed randomized algorithms; Routing protocols; MAC layer protocols in wireless networks; Scheduling in wireless networks; Throughput scaling laws for wireless networks; Network resource allocation, Interpretation of network architecture and algorithms in terms of optimization solution; A brief introduction to Random/slotted ALOHA, wireless LANs CSMA/CA, IEEE 802.11 MAC, 3GPP networks (UMTS and LTE), Peer-to-peer networks and Cloud networking. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-0-3 Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: EENG 770, EENG 635; Corequisite: EENG 755 |
EENG 850 | Advanced Networks Design | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Basic concepts of graph theory will be discussed with emphasis on simple undirected graphs. Graph theoretic concepts will be applied to real life examples like computer networks, electrical networks, wireless networks and social networks. These concepts will be applied to determine strong ties of a social network, strongly connected components of a telecommunication or computer network, etc. Shortest path algorithms will be studied and applied to routing in networks. This course will also help students learn concepts of task scheduling and traffic scheduling using matching algorithms. Finally, special topics like planarity for VLSI design, random graphs for wireless sensor network design and intrinsically hard (NP complete) problems will be discussed. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-0-3 Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: CSCI 651 |
EENG 851 | Signal Processing II | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Random signals and linear systems. Structure, application and implementation of adaptive linear systems. Systems identification, spectral estimation and adaptive control. Transversal and lattice implementations. Wiener and Kallman filters, sensitivity and stability. Decision theory. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 751 |
EENG 860 | Special Topics | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This course provides an opportunity for students to study, in a variety of formats, advanced topics which may not be included elsewhere in the curriculum. The topics may be of mutual interest to the student and faculty member or appropriate for group study. |
EENG 870 | Design Project I | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Major design project under the supervision of a faculty adviser. The project is open-ended and integrates student's knowledge and skills in the analysis and synthesis of an industrial system. Prior approval by a project advisor is required to register. |
EENG 880 | Design Project II | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
Continuation of major design project under faculty adviser supervision. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 870 |
EENG 890 | Master's Thesis I | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This is the first of a two-course sequence spanning two semesters of research. The master's thesis provides an opportunity for the students to undertake an in-depth investigation of a specific topic within Computer Science. This course requires the students to explore an original and appropriately phrased research question, and carry out and document a comprehensive literature review, research and experimentation in the chosen problem area with a good deal of individual responsibility. The course culminates in a preliminary draft of the thesis document to be presented to the thesis faculty advisor. |
EENG 891 | Master's Thesis II | 3 | College of Eng & Comp Sciences |
This is the second of a two-course sequence for master's thesis. Students will continue the research and experimentation started in the first course in the sequence. The course culminates in an oral defense of the thesis project in front of a thesis committee consisting of the student's thesis faculty advisor and other members. By the end of the semester, students will complete a publication-quality master's thesis to be archived in the NYIT library. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: EENG 890 |