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Name | Title | Credits | School |
CCC 500 | Core Clinical Competencies Seminar I | 0 | College of Osteopathic Med |
This seminar will provide instruction and practice to develop those core competencies, namely data- gathering (history-taking, physical examination), doctor-patient interpersonal skills, and OMM/OMT through the Institute for Clinical Competence (ICC) patient simulation program. All students must successfully complete this course and pass the end-of-year Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in order to be promoted to year two. |
CCC 600 | Core Clinical Competencies Seminar II | 0 | College of Osteopathic Med |
This seminar will prepare students and assess their readiness to begin their clinical rotations. Students will receive instruction and patient simulation practice in performing advanced clinical skills, namely data-gathering (history-taking, physical examination), doctor-patient interpersonal skills, OMM/OMT, note-writing, and patient management through learning and assessment activities in the Institute for Clinical Competence (ICC). All students must successfully complete this course and pass the end-of-year Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in order to be promoted to year three. |
CCC 700 | Core Clinical Competencies Seminar III | 0 | College of Osteopathic Med |
Students will receive instruction and patient stimulation practice in performing skills, namely data-gathering (history-taking, physical examination), doctor-patient interpersonal skills, OMM/OMT, note-writing and patient management through learning and assessment activities in the Institute for Clinical Competence (CCC). All students must successfully complete this course and pass the end-of-year Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in order to be promoted to year four. |