Computer Science

Name Title Credits School
CSCI 101 Computer Concept 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits:

CSCI 110 Introduction to Computer Science 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the basic hardware and software organization of computer systems. Students get hands-on experience with the DOS and Windows operating systems environments. Computer programming skills are taught using the Visual Basic programming language.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: MATH 136 or MATH 141 or MATH 170.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 120 Programming I 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course provides basic skills in problem solving and programming. Topics covered include simple data types, expressions and statements, program flow control structures, exception handling and functions. Elements of object oriented programming techniques are also introduced.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: MATH 136 or MATH 141 or MATH 170.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 125 Computer Programming I 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course provides basic skills in problem solving and object-oriented programming using a high level language such as Java or C++. Topics include algorithm development, simple data types, expressions and statements, program flow control structures, objects, methods and arrays. Knowledge of Algebra

Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: MATH 141 or higher

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-1-3

CSCI 130 Computer Organization 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
The course covers the basics of combinatorial and sequential digital circuits. Representative digital circuits are multiplexers, demultiplexers, decoders, counters, registers, memory and ALUs. The use of programmable logic devices in digital circuitry is also covered. The course culminates with the design of a simple computer to specifications, both hardware description language, and a graphical editor to design and implement digital circuits throughout the course. Equivalent to EENG 130.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: MATH 136 or MATH 141 or MATH 170.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 135 Digital Logic Design Fundamentals 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
The course introduces students to the modeling and design of fundamental digital circuits. Topics cover introduction to binary numbering, Boolean algebra, combinatorial and sequential logic circuits and memory elements (e.g. ROM, RAM and non-volatile computer memory). VHDL will be used in modeling, simulation and synthesis of digital circuits. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-0-3

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: MATH 136 or MATH 141 or MATH 170.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 155 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course introduces students to the organization and architecture of modern computers. The students will learn a variety of concepts from the stored-program concept and the machine cycle, to the representation of code and data. The basic components of a computer and their functionality are analyzed including processor data path, pipelines, I/O devices, memory hierarchy, and interconnection networks. The instruction set architecture and its importance in reducing the gap between hardware and software is also discussed. Students will also learn how to evaluate computer performance.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 125 and one of these courses: EENG 125 or CSCI 135

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 160 Programming I 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: MATH 140 or TMAT 155 or MATH 170

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits:

CSCI 170 Computer Architecture 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
A detailed discussion of computer hardware organization and design. Topics included are: processor bus organization, the arithmetic unit, micro-instructions, micro-programming, memory subsystem design, memory organization, I/O interface, asynchronous data transfer, interrupt, and direct memory access.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 130 or EENG 130 or EENG 125

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 185 Computer Programming II 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course provides advanced skills in object-oriented programming and problem solving techniques using a high level language such as Java C++. Topics include polymorphism, inheritance, exception handling, stream and file I/O, recursion, and dynamic data structures.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 120 or CSCI 125

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-1-3

CSCI 202 Introduction to Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer science, covering core concepts such as hardware systems, programming essentials, algorithms, data handling, and the basics of artificial intelligence. It is designed for both technical and non-technical majors interested in gaining a foundational understanding of computer science and AI. Through a blend of lectures, hands-on projects, and problem-solving exercises, students will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue further studies in computer science, engineering/technology programs, or a minor in Artificial Intelligence.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 230 Discrete Structures 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
A review of sets, functions, relations, mathematical induction and algorithmic analysis as applied to computer science. Graph theory, including minimal and maximal algorithms and the critical path method, is studied as well as automata theory and formal languages.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: Take one course in each group: Group 1 (MATH 161 or MATH 170) and Group 2 (CSCI 180 or CSCI 185 or CSCI 210)

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 235 Elements of Discrete Structures 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course provides students with an introduction to discrete structures with applications to computing problems. Topics include logic, sets, functions, relations, proof techniques, counting and algorithmic analysis in addition to graph theory and trees.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: Take CSCI 185 and one course in this group: MATH 161 or MATH 170

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 260 Data Structures 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
The classic data structures, such as stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees, etc. are studied. Sorting and searching are stressed. Computational analysis is also studied.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 185.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 270 Probability and Statistics for Computer 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course covers basic concepts in probability theory and illustrates its applications to computer science. The course covers probability spaces, random variables, distributions and density functions, expectations, sampling, limit theorems, statistical inference and hypothesis testing, as well as additional topics such as large deviations, client-server system and Markov chains, as they apply to computing.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: Take MATH 180 and one course in this group: CSCI 230 or CSCI 235

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 300 Database Management 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Various data models, including hierarchical, network, relational, and object oriented, are introduced. The major part of the course is devoted to relational databases. Topics covered are the mathematical foundation, the three-level ANSI-SPARC architecture, and the SQL language. The SQL language includes the data manipulation and data definition components that are used to construct and query databases and also to provide access control to safeguard security. Entity-relationship modeling is presented and used to design the external level. Functional dependency and normalization techniques are used for the logical design of databases. Problems of concurrency control in multi-user database management systems are discussed.

Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 302 Distributed and Parallel Computing 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course covers a wide range of topics in parallel and distributed computing, including architectures and systems, parallel and distributed programming paradigms, parallel algorithms, and scientific and other parallel and distributed computing applications.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 303 Internet Programming Languages 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course will use Web oriented programming languages such as Java, Javascript, Perl, and PHP. Students will learn how to write scripts and embed them in HTML pages. The use of these languages in dynamic web page generation will be studied.

Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 310 C and Unix 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
A study of the ANSI Standard C programming language and the UNIX programming environment. Topics covered include the syntax of C, basic UNIX commands, the UNIX file system, filters and pipes, shell programming and using UNIX system calls in C. C++, the object-oriented extension of C, will also be introduced.

Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 312 Theory of Computation 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
The basic concepts of the theory of computation are studied including set theory, finite automata, context free and context-sensitive languages, Turing machines, Church's thesis, and uncomputability. The classes of computation complexity and their practical limitations are studied.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 235

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 316 Machine Learning and Data Mining Applications 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This introductory course is designed to explore the transformative world of Machine Learning and Data Mining for a general audience. It covers fundamental principles behind machine learning algorithms and data mining processes, interpretation of data patterns and predictions, and ethical considerations in automated data analysis. The course aims to provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in machine learning and data mining, equipping them to make informed decisions in their careers.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 317 Introduction to Generative AI and Large Language Models 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course introduces the dynamic field of Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models (LLMs), focusing on their development, functionality, and impact on various sectors. Designed for a general audience, this course covers the principles behind AI generation, including the design and function of models like the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT). Through a mix of lectures, interactive sessions, and practical exercises, students will explore the broad applications and ethical considerations of these technologies.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 318 Programming Language Concepts 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Formal definition of programming languages including specification of syntax and semantics. A comparative analysis of various high-level programming languages with emphasis on the appropriateness of languages for certain applications.

Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 320 Computer Graphics I 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Introduction to the principles of interactive computer graphics, including input techniques and devices, display devices, display files, interactive graphic techniques, two-and three-dimensional computer graphics, and transformations. Graphic oriented languages are also discussed.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 260 and MATH 310

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 325 Compiler Design 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
The design and implementation of a compiler is studied, including compiler organization, lexical analysis, searching methods and symbol tables, formal languages and grammar, parser construction, code syntax and code generation.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 185 and CSCI 260.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 330 Operating Systems 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
The design and implementation of an operating system is studied, including process states and synchronization, memory management strategies, processor scheduling, multiprocessing, parallel processing, hardware organization, disk scheduling and file management.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 185 and CSCI 260.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
The fundamentals of designing computer algorithms are introduced. An overview of advanced data structures such as balanced trees, heaps and hash tables is presented. A discussion of algorithm design techniques will include, but not be limited to sorting and ordering, divide and conquer, shortest path and dynamic programming. The complexity of algorithms to various applications is discussed.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 345 Computer Networks 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course introduces students to the fundamentals and applications of computer networks and layered architectures. Topics include the ISO reference 7-layer model, physical layer issues, data link layer protocols, medium access protocols, network layer, transport layer, and internetworking. A network-related programming final project is required.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 352 Introduction to Network and Internet Security 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
In this course, students are introduced to fundamental aspects of network and Internet security. The focus of the course is on network-based threats, their detection, preventions and analysis, as well as the integration of the tools and techniques employed in this effort. The students learn topics including: authentication; email, IP, and web security; security threats; malicious software; and firewalls.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 345 or CSCI 370

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 354 Principles of Information Security 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course introduces students to a range of contemporary, applications-oriented, and advanced technical aspects of information security and assurance. Topics covered in this course are: the need and planning for security, information security maintenance, security technology, cryptography, and physical security. The course will also cover security policies, and legal and ethical issues. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 345

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 355 Artificial Intelligence I 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Introduction to artificial intelligence programming languages LISP, PROLOG, and object-oriented programming. Basic problem representation and heuristic searching techniques will be discussed. Concept of knowledge engineering and various applications of knowledge representation schemes will be studied.

Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 357 Cisco Academy Level I 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course prepares students with the knowledge and skills required to install, operate, and troubleshoot a small to medium size enterprise branch network. Topics include implementing network security, routing and switching fundamentals, the TCP/IP and OSI models, operating and configuring IOS devices, extending switched networks with VLANs, determining IP routes, managing IP routes, managing IP traffic with access lists and establishing point-to point and Frame Relay connections.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-2-3

CSCI 360 Web Site Engineering 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences

Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits:

CSCI 362 Information System Security Engineering and Administration 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
In this course students will study the issues involved in structuring a computer-based information system to meet enterprise requirements and public policy regulations. Topics include the building blocks of an information system, emphasizing the security and administration aspects of each, as well as life-cycle considerations, and risk management. The course will also include a special project or paper as required and specified by the instructor and the SoECS graduate committee.

Prerequisite Course(s): Co-requisite: CSCI 354

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 364 Introduction to Computer Vision 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course is an introduction to the concepts and applications in computer vision. The course covers image formation, local feature analysis, multi-view geometry, image stitching and warping, structure from motion and visual recognition systems.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 260, CSCI 270, and MATH 310

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 370 Introduction to Computer Networks 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
An introduction to the fundamentals and the applications of data communications. Network architectures, topology and the ISO model will be discussed. Novell's LANor equipment will be used for practical hands-on experience.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 372 Big Data Management and Analytics 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Organizations today are generating massive amounts of data that are too large and unstructured to fit in relational databases. Existing platforms such as the Apache Hadoop allow for distributed and enterprise systems processing, of large data sets across clusters of computers, using the MapReduce programming model. In this course, students will gain an in-depth understanding of how MapReduce and Distributed File Systems work. In addition, they will be able to author Hadoop-based MapReduce applications in Java and use Hadoop subprojects Hive and Pig to build powerful data processing applications. Industry systems, such as IBM InfoSphere BigInsights and IBM InfoSphere Streams will be studied.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 380 Introduction to Software Engineering 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Formal approach to techniques of software design, development, testing and management. Design techniques considered include formal models of structured programming, stepwise refinement, segmentation, top-down design, data abstraction, information hiding and object-oriented development. A modern programming language will be used.

Prerequisite Course(s): Corequisite: CSCI 260

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 385 Network and Internet Security 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
In this course we provide students with a firm understanding of the major aspects of network and Internet security. A hands-on project in a laboratory setting to emphasize some aspect of network or Internet security will be studied.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 345

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 401 Database Interfaces and Programming 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
An advanced course in static and dynamic programming, embedded SQL using C. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), interface to access data from various database management systems with Structured Query Language (SQL).

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 300

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 405 Distributed Database Systems 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Concepts underlying distributed systems: synchronization, communication, fault-tolerance. Concepts and architecture of distributed database systems. Distributed concurrency control and recovery. Replicated databases. Distributed Query Processing. Examples of commercial relational distributed DBMS.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 300

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 410 Artificial Intelligence II 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Principal artificial intelligence application areas such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, speech recognition and understanding, problem solving and planning and machine learning systems will be studied. Current state-of-the-art Expert Systems and Expert System Tools will be introduced.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 355

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 415 Introduction to Data Mining 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course introduces the concepts, techniques and applications of data mining. Topics include data preprocessing, clustering, data warehouse and online analytical processing (OLAP) technology, cluster and social network analysis, data classification and prediction, multimedia and web mining.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 270, CSCI 300, and CSCI 335

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 420 Computer Graphics II 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Advanced work in computer graphics, including surface description methods, color perception and images synthesis. Dynamic Vectors, Raster displays. Applications such as CAD/ CAM will be discussed.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 320

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 426 Information Retrieval 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course provides students with an introduction to the basics and techniques of information retrieval. Topics cover search engines, retrieval strategies such as vector space, extended Boolean, probabilistic models and evaluation methods including relevance-based measures, query processing, indexing and searching.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 270 and CSCI 300

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 430 Computer Animation 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course is an introduction to basic principles of computer-generated animation. Topics cover animation planning and production, traditional and emerging animation techniques, motion dynamics and particle systems. This course will also include Maya scripting and the Maya C++ API, 2D and 3D programming, and motion capture.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 320

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-1-3

CSCI 436 Big Data Management & Analytics 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Organizations today are generating massive amounts of data that are too large and unstructured to fit in relational databases. Existing platforms such as the Apache Hadoop allow for distributed and enterprise systems processing, of large data sets across clusters of computers, using the MapReduce programming model. In this course, students will gain an in-depth understanding of how MapReduce and Distributed File Systems work. In addition, they will be able to author Hadoop-based MapReduce applications in Java and use Hadoop subprojects Hive and Pig to build powerful data processing applications. Industry systems, such as IBM InfoSphere BigInsights and IBM InfoSphere Streams will be studied.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 440 Advanced Network & Internet Security 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course will cover infrastructure security issues. Network operating systems and network architecture will be discussed together with the respective security related issues. The students will learn about the threats to computer networks through exploition of weaknesses in the design of network infrastructure and security flaws in the network infrastructure protocols. Issues related to the security of content and applications such as email, DNS, web servers will be discussed. Security techniques including intrusion detection, forensics, cryptography, authentication and access control are analyzed. Developmnets in IPSEC, transport protocols, secure mail, directory services, and multimedia services are discussed.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 345, Co-requisite: CSCI 385.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 445 Operating System Security 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
In this course students are introduced to advanced concepts in operating systems with emphasis on security. Students will study contemporary operating systems including UNIX and Windows. Topics include the application of policies for security administration, directory services, file system security, audit and logging, cryptographic enabled applications, cryptographic programming interfaces, and operating system integrity verification techniques.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 330. CSCI 345

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 450 Seminar Project 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
The student will undertake a project under the guidance of an instructor. Each student will present oral reports before the group in a seminar situation. The project will be concerned with some aspect of computer science and results will be presented in a final written report.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 455 Senior Project 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
In this course students undertake a computer science project under the guidance of a faculty advisor that draws significantly on knowledge and skills acquired in previous course work. Students work in teams on the design and implementation of a project with emphasis on constraints and trade-offs. Project topics may include computer graphics, computer and network security, and information management. Periodic written progress reports and oral presentations are used to track the ongoing course progress. A detailed final documentation, including a user manual for the developed application or project, together with a live demonstration are required. Approval of Chairperson. Open to Seniors only.

Prerequisite Course(s): Course is limited to seniors

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 456 Senior Project I 2 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
This course, part of a two course sequence, provides students with the design principles and tools necessary for project formulation, literature search and mathematical modeling techniques, the use of simulation software, project management, and proposal writing skills. Students will work in multidisciplinary teams to prepare proposals to design a system or component of a system. Project proposals will draw significantly on knowledge and skills acquired in previous coursework. Project topics may include computer graphics, computer and network security, and information management. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 1-3-2

Prerequisite Course(s): Course is limited to seniors

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 1-3-2

CSCI 457 Senior Project II 2 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
In this course students undertake a computer science project under the guidance of a faculty advisor that draws significantly on knowledge and skills acquired in previous course work. Students work in teams on the design and implementation of a project with emphasis on constraints and trade-offs. Periodic written progress reports and oral presentations are used to track the ongoing course progress. A detailed final documentation, including a user manual for the developed application or project, together with a live demonstration are required. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 1-3-2

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: CSCI 456

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 1-3-2

CSCI 460 Special Topics I 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Critical study of theory and research related to advanced topics in computer science such as computer graphics, artificial intelligence, performance evaluation, advanced systems programming or topics in computability, automata theory, etc. The specific topics of the seminar will be determined by the interest of both the students and the instructor.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3

CSCI 470 Special Topics II 3 College of Eng & Comp Sciences
Advanced topics in computer science of interest to both students and faculty will be covered.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3