
Name Title Credits School
CCC 500 Core Clinical Competencies Seminar I 0 College of Osteopathic Med
This seminar will provide instruction and practice to develop those core competencies, namely data- gathering (history-taking, physical examination), doctor-patient interpersonal skills, and OMM/OMT through the Institute for Clinical Competence (ICC) patient simulation program. All students must successfully complete this course and pass the end-of-year Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in order to be promoted to year two.

CCC 600 Core Clinical Competencies Seminar II 0 College of Osteopathic Med
This seminar will prepare students and assess their readiness to begin their clinical rotations. Students will receive instruction and patient simulation practice in performing advanced clinical skills, namely data-gathering (history-taking, physical examination), doctor-patient interpersonal skills, OMM/OMT, note-writing, and patient management through learning and assessment activities in the Institute for Clinical Competence (ICC). All students must successfully complete this course and pass the end-of-year Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in order to be promoted to year three.

CCC 700 Core Clinical Competencies Seminar III 0 College of Osteopathic Med
Students will receive instruction and patient stimulation practice in performing skills, namely data-gathering (history-taking, physical examination), doctor-patient interpersonal skills, OMM/OMT, note-writing and patient management through learning and assessment activities in the Institute for Clinical Competence (CCC). All students must successfully complete this course and pass the end-of-year Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in order to be promoted to year four.