
Name Title Credits School
ECON 501 Principles of Economics I 1.5 School of Management
A study of basic economic concepts emphasizing analysis of the aggregate economy. The fundamental concepts of national income and its determination, economic fluctuations, monetary and fiscal policies, and economic growth are covered.

ECON 510 Principles of Economics II 1.5 School of Management
An examination of the processes of price determination, output, and resource allocation in perfect and imperfect competition. Also covers labor economics, international trade and finance, and alternative economic systems.

ECON 601 Managerial Economics for Decision Making 3 School of Management
Application of economic theory and quantitative methods to business decision making. Topics: consumer choice, product demand, marginal pricing, neoclassical and linear production theory, market structure, and choice under imperfect information. Use of empirical techniques and model building for business analysis and forecasting using standard econometric software package is also addressed.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: ECON 501 or a waiver.

ECON 610 Macro Environment of Business 1.5 School of Management
This course covers topics on national income accounting, financial markets, cyclical fluctuations, policy analysis, and forecasting. Economic forecasts and the impact of governmental policies on economic activities using the Fair Model are discussed.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: ECON 501 or waiver

ECON 620 Microeconomic Industry Analysis 1.5 School of Management
This course introduces students to applied econometrics and model building for policy analysis and forecasting. Demand models are developed to demonstrate the econometric and forecasting methods and utilize an industry standard econometric software package.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: ECON 501 and QANT 501 or a waiver

ECON 630 Economic Risk 3 School of Management
A study of country risks with a focus on economic risk. The course examines the identification, assessment, and mitigation of macroeconomic risk as it relates to business. Topics include assessment of debt sustainability, measurement of financial risk, sovereign default risk and economics risk mitigation strategies.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: ECON 501 or waiver

ECON 745 World Trade in Goods, Services, and Assets 3 School of Management
This course reviews theories of trade and explains the institutional arrangements that shape international trade in goods, services, and assets. Various trade strategies are considered and their effects on economic growth are discussed. Free vs. managed trade agreements are reviewed. International capital markets and foreign exchange markets are studied to clarify the relationships between capital flows and potential financial crisis. The strategic role of multinational corporations in international trade is evaluated.

Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: ECON 501