Health Science
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Name | Title | Credits | School |
HSCI 190 | Community Health Implications | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course will introduce the student to basic community health, health case systems and community health concerns. Topics covered include epidemiology, health promotion and disease prevention, chronic disease and societal implications for chronic disease, health care settings and introduction to healthcare teams. The format will be mostly lecture and class discussion. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 195 | Professional & Cultural Issues in Health | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course is designed to introduce the student to the various employment opportunities and career preparation required in the healthcare professions. The ethical, legal, cultural and professional considerations involved in health occupations will be explored. Local healthcare professionals will be invited to share their career choices in order to assist the student in making informed decisions regarding their future career choices. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 210 | Medical Terminology | 2 | School of Health Professions |
This course is designed to meet the needs of students in health-related programs and to provide them with a working knowledge of medical vocabulary. The course includes disease names and their meanings, medical word structure, basic medical/surgica1 terms and procedures, anatomical designations for body parts and organs, and commonly used medical abbreviations. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: BIOL 150 or BIOL 210 Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-0-2 |
HSCI 315 | AI in Healthcare | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (Al) into the health professions, emphasizing the understanding, application, and implications of Al technologies in diverse healthcare settings, including healthcare education and patient care. Additionally, students will examine the historical and current use of Al, its impact on Electronic Medical Records (EMR), and the ethical, practical, and technological challenges associated with its implementation. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: MGMT 101 or MGMT 102 Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 320 | Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course examines the principles, practices, use and outcomes of complementary therapies and alternative healing. It provides an overview of the field, reviews selected systems of alternative healing, and focuses on specific healing modalities that are widely used in the general population. Alternative therapies will be viewed as complementary to the existing medical system. Students will learn to use evidence based criteria to evaluate the risks and benefits of selected complementary therapies. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 330 | Exercise Physiology | 3 | School of Health Professions |
Understanding the physiology of the exercising human is essential to the successful health and wellness professional. The purpose of this course is to develop competencies within the student that are related to fitness evaluation, exercise and activity prescription, and training program development for individuals or for groups with age, sex, and culture as important modifying factors. Beginning with the basic physiological concepts of energy metabolism, pulmonary, cardiovascular and muscular function, the student examines in depth the responses of individuals to the stress of exercise, training, and detraining. These physiological principles formulate the basis for the development of sound programs of exercise, training, and wellness programs. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: BIOL 150 or BIOL 310 Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 340 | Health and Aging | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course takes an interprofessional approach to exploring and examining aspects of health and aging from the integration of bio-medical and psychosocial perspectives. Attention will be paid to the demographic and ethnic shifts, both nationally and globally, that are bringing about the aging "tsunami", the myths, misconceptions, and stereotypes associated with older adults, and the major influences on health of older adults including: chronic/acute illnesses, mental health, medication use, physical activity and nutrition, sexuality, health promotion, medical and long term care, death and dying, the role of the family, and health policy and advocacy issues. This course will take a "whole person" approach and focus on cultural, economic, and cohort differences. Prerequisite Course(s): Course is limited to juniors and seniors Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 370 | Introduction to Clinical Cardiology | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course is designed to provide a foundation for the cardiovascular system and procedural intervention for students interested in the cardiology practicums. The course, taught in lecture and case-based learning formats, will focus on cardiovascular anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology from a clinical perspective as well as cardiac procedures, electrophysiology studies, exercise stress testing and implanted cardiac devices. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: BIOL 210, BIOL 310 Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 400 | Seminar | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This seminar explores the history of health care and an analysis and synthesis of contemporary national and global health care issues, particularly health care issues being debated in the public arena. Students are expected to identify health care topics and to write and present papers in the class. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 410 | Senior Practicum I | 4 | School of Health Professions |
The purpose of the capstone experience is to introduce the student, via an internship program, to an area of interest. Students will attend an offsite location to gain experiential instruction in health care administration and/or partake in a health care experience. Settings will include community health centers, hospital-based administrative offices, and county health departments. The student will gain practical knowledge while engaged in the business environment of the offsite location. A reflective journal and an experiential log are required elements, as is the submission of a culminating report on practical experiences. Prerequisite Course(s): Registration is limited to Health Sciences or Health and Wellness students Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 4-0-4 |
HSCI 415 | Senior Practicum II | 4 | School of Health Professions |
This course builds upon the knowledge gained in the first capstone experience. Students are now expected to complete a community service project and/or work with a mentor to develop a new initiative in their area of interest. A portfolio of the experience as well as presentation of the project/initiative will provide the framework for a formal review and critique of the project. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisite: HSCI 410 Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 4-0-4 |
HSCI 420 | Biomedical Ethics | 3 | School of Health Professions |
The course will examine and analyze moral dilemmas created by recent advances in medical technology. The course will include selections from the literature, ethics, values, and philosophy as related to the delivery of health care. Medical-legal issues will be addressed with particular reference to liability and confidentiality. Issues related to euthanasia, the right to die, abortion, behavior modification, allocation of scarce medical resources, in vitro fertilization, genetic screening and engineering, and human experimentation will also be addressed. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 425 | Health Information Management | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course will cover the myriad of information delivery systems and technologies currently available to manage the increasing volume of health information. In addition to discussion of management systems, students will be introduced to issues of confidentiality, HIPPA regulations, and policies and procedures for information acquisition and integration. Information and technology required for building community health programs as well as management of smaller health care settings will be introduced and discussed. This includes the ethics, benefits and problems associated with electronic patient databases. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 430 | Health Care Payment Systems | 3 | School of Health Professions |
Through extensive lecture and discussion, this course will emphasize the complex nature of health care payment systems and differing options for payment currently in place. Discussions of health care settings and their implications for payment options will be introduced, as well as revenue implications for management decisions. This course will also introduce the impact of governmental regulations on the delivery of health care as it relates to payment. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 435 | Health and Social Policy | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course addresses present and prospective national health care policy. A focus will be placed on various current health care issues, including high and rising costs, differences in access to medical service, and trade-offs between cost and quality. The course will include study and discussion of Medicare, Medicaid, medical malpractice, profit versus not-only-for-profit producers of care, and alternative delivery systems. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 450 | Health Care Delivery Systems | 3 | School of Health Professions |
This course includes identification and analyses of health care delivery systems in the United States. Topics include the various factors that influence health care delivery systems and their structures. Health care systems and influences will include hospital, multi-hospital systems, health care manpower, financing health services, private health insurance and employee benefits, managed care, and the regulation and monitoring of health care systems. The politics of health care and the national health care policy will also be included in this course. Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3 |
HSCI 480 | Health Education and Promotion | 4 | School of Health Professions |
This course aims to provide students with the skills to develop theoretically-informed and evidence-based community health initiatives. Students will explore innovative, meaningful and effective teaching and learning approaches and materials used in health education and social marketing. Also covered is the measurement of population health, sources of data, methods for assessing population health improvements and other skills that reflect the responsibilities and competencies of the entry-level certified health educator specialist (CHES). Over the course of the semester, students work in teams on developing and evaluating their own culturally-competent health initiative, each of which is targeted at a particular population with a specific health need. After completing this course students will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to raise people's health awareness, as a well as the tools needed to teach people how to reduce their risk of disease and promote health and wellness. Prerequisite Course(s): Prerequisites: HSCI 190, HSCI 195, and NTSI 201 or BIOL 260 Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 4-0-4 |