Visiting Student Course Registration


Registering as a visiting student is easy! Whether you want to try out a major, make progress while you are home from school or just continue your education, New York Tech has options for you!

As a visiting student you can complete up to 24 undergraduate credits or 9 graduate credits. If you want to take more credits, you can apply to a New York Tech degree program as a first-year, transfer, or graduate student, and the credits you earned can be applied to your degree.

Students under the age of 18 who wish to register as visiting students at New York Tech will need parental/guardian consent to complete the registration process.

NOTE: Current students should register directly in the Student Service HUB.

Complete your registration in two easy steps:

  1. Select Course(s): Using the tool below, search by course name or subject to find the class that is right for you. Fulfillment of prerequisites is optional for visiting students. If you need help finding a course, contact the academic department or email for assistance.
  2. Register and Pay: Once you've selected your course, click the "REGISTER" button at the top right. You will create an account, enter your information, and pay for your classes. Once you are enrolled, you will receive an email with the next steps, usually in 24-48 hours.

If, for any reason, you wish to drop a class, visit the Student Service HUB.

Please contact the Office of the Registrar at if you have questions or need assistance.

*Note: Cost does not reflect any fees for registration.

Academic Level Credits Cost* Term Subject Course Name Course Title
PSCI Political Science American Government and Politics This course is an introduction to the processes of the American form of democratic government; the nature and structure of U.S. government; its chief characteristics and functions. Special attention is paid to the intimate relation and mutual impact of government and the people on each other, expanding the students' awareness of the effects of governmental decisions on the American people. OL Show Classes UGRD 3 $4,260.00 PSCI Fall 2024 Political Science PSCI 110 American Government and Politics
BUSI Business Subjects Business Research Methods This course emphasizes application of quantitative methodologies to support managerial decision making through problem identification, research design including data collection methodologies, analytical techniques for data analysis, and report preparation. OL Show Classes GRAD 1.5 $2,430.00 BUSI Fall 2024 Business Subjects BUSI 510 Business Research Methods
MRKT Marketing Digital Marketing Strategy, Tactics & Tools The digitization of media and commerce has been transformational as it concerns best practice approaches to marketing. In this course, students will learn how marketing theory applies to the digital landscape. The course will explore how to create effective digital marketing strategies, as well as how to use the latest digital marketing tools to reach and engage target audiences. In addition to theory, students will also gain practical skills that will enable them to assist companies in developing and implementing their digital marketing strategies. By the end of the course, students will have a strong foundation in digital marketing principles and techniques, and be able to contribute to successful digital marketing campaigns. MA Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 MRKT Fall 2024 Marketing MRKT 745 Digital Marketing Strategy, Tactics & Tools
DTSC Data Science Fundamental Probability and Statistics for Data Science This is a prerequisite course for the Master’s program in Data Science who do not have probability and statistics background. This course covers basic concepts in probability theory and illustrates its applications to computer science. The course covers probability spaces, random variables, distributions and density functions, expectations, sampling, limit theorems, statistical inference and hypothesis testing, as well as additional topics such as large deviations, client-server system and Markov chains, as they apply to computing. OL Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 DTSC Fall 2024 Data Science DTSC 502 Fundamental Probability and Statistics for Data Science
BUSI Business Subjects Global Strategy II MA Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 BUSI Fall 2024 Business Subjects BUSI 750 Global Strategy II
BIOL Biology Independent Research I OL Show Classes UGRD 1 $1,420.00 BIOL Fall 2024 Biology BIOL 491 Independent Research I
CSCI Computer Science Information System Security Engineering and Administration OL Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 CSCI Fall 2024 Computer Science CSCI 662 Information System Security Engineering and Administration
IDSP Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Career Development Careers and professions in the 21st century will require that students develop professional knowledge, analytical communication, and writing skills that will be applied in collaborative, technical, and dynamic work environments. In this course, students will explore possible careers by researching current and future job markets and economic trends. They will learn about necessary qualifications, career tracks, ethical, legal, and professional responsibilities. Students will take scientifically proven assessment surveys to evaluate career and academic dispositions. Participation in real-world employment preparation including, but not limited, to writing resumes, arranging mock job interviews and a 4-year career development plan will be required. OL Show Classes UGRD 3 $4,260.00 IDSP Fall 2024 Interdisciplinary Studies IDSP 101 Interdisciplinary Career Development
PHYS Physics Introduction to Modern Physics Laboratory This course introduces students to some of the most important experiments in physics, which signify the transition from classical to modern physics. The experiments include but are not limited to studies of the photoelectric effect, the Millikan oil drop, and wave-particle duality for light and electrons. MA|OW Show Classes UGRD 1 $1,420.00 PHYS Fall 2024 Physics PHYS 226 Introduction to Modern Physics Laboratory
MSME Med Healthcare Simulation Leadership and Management OL Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 MSME Fall 2024 Med Healthcare Simulation MSME 752 Leadership and Management
MIST Management Information Systems Management Information Systems This course provides an introduction to information technology and application software. It also introduces students to how information is used in organizations and how information technology enables improvement in decision making at all managerial levels. MA Show Classes GRAD 1.5 $2,430.00 MIST Fall 2024 Management Information Systems MIST 501 Management Information Systems
ECON Economics Managerial Economics for Decision Making Application of economic theory and quantitative methods to business decision making. Topics: consumer choice, product demand, marginal pricing, neoclassical and linear production theory, market structure, and choice under imperfect information. Use of empirical techniques and model building for business analysis and forecasting using standard econometric software package is also addressed. MA Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 ECON Fall 2024 Economics ECON 601 Managerial Economics for Decision Making
ECON Economics Principles of Economics II An examination of the processes of price determination, output, and resource allocation in perfect and imperfect competition. Also covers labor economics, international trade and finance, and alternative economic systems. MA|OL Show Classes GRAD 1.5 $2,430.00 ECON Fall 2024 Economics ECON 510 Principles of Economics II
QANT Quantitative Analysis Production and Operations Management Addresses concepts and critical activities required in the manufacturing of goods and the delivery of services. Quantitative applications and the use of relevant computer software are an integral part of this course. OL Show Classes GRAD 1.5 $2,430.00 QANT Fall 2024 Quantitative Analysis QANT 510 Production and Operations Management
BUSI Business Subjects Professional Development Seminar This preparatory course addresses select professional skills that are requisite to success for the MBA student, and include seminars and workshops in public speaking, business writing, teamwork, critical thinking and business research. OW Show Classes GRAD 0 $0.00 BUSI Fall 2024 Business Subjects BUSI 610 Professional Development Seminar
DTSC Data Science Project I In this course students carry out independent research in a significant technical area of data science. The student is to investigate a technical area, research it, advance it in some way if possible, and report on the learning and advancements made. A written report is required that summarizes the findings and any advancements made to the technology. OL Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 DTSC Fall 2024 Data Science DTSC 870 Project I
MSME Med Healthcare Simulation Standardized Patient Education This course will review two (2) aspects of standardized patient education: 1) how standardized patients are used in medical education; and 2) how to prepare standardized patients for medical education and skills assessment. Students will also learn how to develop and manage a standardized patient program for the use in the clinical training of medical students and clinicians. OL Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 MSME Fall 2024 Med Healthcare Simulation MSME 653 Standardized Patient Education
ICSS Social Science Core The Modern Middle East: A Global Perspective This course will explore the complex relationship the Middle East maintains in world affairs. Some topics include: the struggle against Western domination and influence, the transformation of the period (1908-1923), Turkey's rise to a secular state, the rise of nationalism, the rise of Islam, Islamic Renewal, Egypt as the forefront of women's liberation in the region, the role of the Arab/Islamic woman, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the struggle for Palestine, and the oil factor. OL Show Classes UGRD 3 $4,260.00 ICSS Fall 2024 Social Science Core ICSS 310 The Modern Middle East: A Global Perspective
ECON Economics World Trade in Goods, Services, and Assets This course reviews theories of trade and explains the institutional arrangements that shape international trade in goods, services, and assets. Various trade strategies are considered and their effects on economic growth are discussed. Free vs. managed trade agreements are reviewed. International capital markets and foreign exchange markets are studied to clarify the relationships between capital flows and potential financial crisis. The strategic role of multinational corporations in international trade is evaluated. MA Show Classes GRAD 3 $4,860.00 ECON Fall 2024 Economics ECON 745 World Trade in Goods, Services, and Assets

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