Adrienne McNally

Title: Director, Experiential Education
Department: International and Experiential Education
Campus: Long Island
Area(s) of Expertise: Experiential education, civic engagement, employee citizenship, assessment
Education Credentials: M.S. Management Science, Lehigh University; B.S. Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University
Joined New York Tech: 2006
While a doctoral candidate in engineering, Adrienne McNally left her career pursuit in engineering to level the playing field for female engineers. Due to her six internships as an undergraduate and research experience in graduate school, higher education was the forum in which she felt she could effect the most change in this area. She entered New York Tech as a coordinator for Student Employment and was promoted to Director of Experiential Education. In this role, she and her supervisor developed a variety of experiential programs that bridge career and civic development. Among them is a nationally recognized internship program that prepares students for the world of work and for their roles as actively engaged public problem solvers.
At New York Tech, McNally develops and assesses the outcomes of the centralized Internship Certificate Program, including its foundation in civic engagement, delivered through the concept of employee citizenship. She works with faculty and the institution on developing programs and policies that provide opportunities for students to apply classroom learning to real-world settings and get experience outside the classroom.
Adrienne has shared her work with civic education and internship programs as a speaker at NASPA in June 2016 and 2015; LICSPA in February 2015; CEIA April 2013, March 2010, and April 2009; she also led InternBridge webinars in August 2012 and February 2010. She has a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Northeastern University and an M.S. in Management Science from Lehigh University.
- “Strategies for Reforming Academic Models to Support Community Partnership,” at AAC&U Transforming STEM Education, November 2019
- CEIA Experience Magazine, “Employee Citizenship: Practicing Civic Skills in the Workplace,” Spring 2018
- “Enhancing Civic, Electoral, and Political Engagement Through International Student Inclusion,” eJournal of Public Affairs 7(1), 25-55
- ADP/TDC/NASPA Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Conference “60 Minute General Interest Session – Developing Civic Skills Through Interdisciplinary Internships,” June 2016
- ADP/TDC/NASPA Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Conference “Mini-Institute—Modeling Civic Engagement as Career Services Professional,” June 2015
- LICSPA Annual Conference “Using a Centralized Internship Program to Increase On Campus and Community Engagement,” February 2015
- CEIA Best Practices “Changing Institutional Practices One Internship at a Time,” Apr 2013
- “Developing Faculty Relationships through Experiential Education Programs,” Intern Bridge August 2012 online conference
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- ETCS 365
- ETCS 670
Professional Honors & Awards
- Presidential Engagement Award for Student Engagement by Faculty or Professional Staff in Global Education, New York Tech 2017
- Vice President for Student Affairs Division Award for Assessment, New York Tech 2016 and 2015
- Presidential Technology Award for Student Engagement by Professional Staff, New York Tech August 2013
- Member’s Choice Award Finalist, NACE, May 2013
- Alva C. Cooper Award, MNYCCPOA, May 2013
- CEIA Best Practices Award, April 2013