Carl Abraham

Carl Abraham

Title: Assistant Professor

Department: Clinical Medicine

Campus: Jonesboro

Area(s) of Expertise: Infectious Diseases

Education Credentials: M.D.

Joined New York Tech: 2018

Carl J. Abraham Jr. grew up in the New York City area and received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Stony Brook University. He later attended Sackler School of Medicine in Tel Aviv, Israel, and completed his internal medical residency and infectious diseases fellowship at Beth Israel Medical Center, one of a handful of AIDS Clinical Trial Group sites in the United States. Abraham resides in Jonesboro, Ark., where he practiced both hospital and outpatient infectious diseases. His areas of interest include hospital epidemiology, antibiotic stewardship, and care of persons with HIV infection. In addition, Abraham has two wonderful daughters and a 1982 TAMA Superstar drum kit.

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