Dina Karafantis
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Psychology and Counseling
Campus: Long Island
Educational Credentials: Ph.D.
Joined New York Tech: 2006
Dina Karafantis specializes in social psychology. Her research interests include prejudice, lay theories, and intergroup relations. Karafantis received her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 2004. She joined New York Tech in 2006 as an assistant professor and was promoted to associate professor in 2012.
- Karafantis, D.M. (2014, February). "You Get What You Deserve and Deserve What You Get"; "A Leopard Can't Change its Spots": Beliefs of Those in Law Enforcement? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Long Beach, CA.
- Karafantis, D.M. (2013, January). The Effect of Disparaging Language on Social Dominance Orientation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Levy, S. R., Ramirez, L., Rosenthal, L., & Karafantis, D. (2013). The study of lay theories: A piece of the puzzle of understanding prejudice. To appear in M. Banaji & S. Gelman (Eds., pp. 318-322). Navigating the Social World: What infants, children, and other species can teach us. Oxford University Press.
- Karafantis, D.M., & Pierre-Louis, J. (2012). Seeing Eye to Eye: The Effect of Phenotypic Features on Trait Judgments. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22, 833-852.
- Karafantis, D.M., & LaPadula, M. (2011). Incorporating Active Learning Techniques in an Introduction to Psychology Course. Psychology Teaching and Learning, 10, 32-39.
- Karafantis, D.M.. (2011). The Effect of Ethnocultural Empathy on Level of Stereotyping Towards College Athletes. Journal of Evidence Based Social Work, 8, 426-444.
Honors and Awards
- New York Tech Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year Award
- SGA Club Advisor of the Year
- SAAC Faculty Appreciation Award
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 210: Statistical Analysis
- PSYC 251: Measurement Concepts
- PSYC 370: Research Methodology
- PSYC 235: Behavioral Sciences in Marketing
- ICBS 302: Intergroup Relations-Understanding Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination
- PSYC 435/491: Pedagogical Workshop
- PSYC 360: Group Dynamics
- PSYC 260: Social Psychology
- PSYC 221: Human Development
- PSYC 240: Educational Psychology
- PSYC 223: Adolescent Psychology
- PSYC 330: Communication and Interviewing Techniques
- PSYC 495: Field Placement
- ICBS 303: Dynamics of Violence Seminar
- ICBS 305: Gender Identity Seminar