Eric Mazzi

Title: Adjunct Faculty
Department: Energy Management
Campus: Vancouver
Area(s) of Expertise: Energy management engineering and policy
Education Credentials: PhD, M.S., B.S.
Industry Credentials: PE, P.Eng., CEM
Joined New York Tech: 2015
Eric Mazzi is an experienced energy industry professional in demand-side energy management. His professional practice is mainly in three areas: third party technical analysis, measurement & verification (M&V), and education. As an independent reviewer, he has provided due diligence services to electric and gas utilities for hundreds of projects covering end-uses in commercial and industrial applications. Mazzi is a respected practitioner performing M&V services to utilities, municipal, and private clients, and as an IPMVP committee member ( As an educator, he is a recognized leader for professional certifications (CEM, CMVP) and university programs (teaching sustainability, energy engineering, and energy policy). He is a board member for the Northwest Energy Coalition. Eric has B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in mechanical engineering, and a Ph.D. in environmental policy. He is a registered professional engineering in British Columbia and California.
Recent Projects and Research
- Rate design research for energy utilities
Selected Publications
- Mazzi E., Brar S., Sulyma I., Tiedemann K., Thollander P. (2022 forthcoming) "Custom block rate design: a policy innovation to accelerate energy efficient technology adoption in facilities" ACEEE Summer Study for Energy Efficiency in Buildings conference proceedings.
- Mazzi (2022) "Commentary on Article "Statistics and Reality—Addressing the Inherent Flaws of Statistical Methods Used in Measurement and Verification" International Journal of Energy Management. V42, No.2.
- Mazzi E. and Storey S. "BC's Green Stimulus Should Include a Portfolio of Policies" 2021.
- Cowan K, Sussman R, Rotmann S, and Mazzi E. (2018) "It's Not My Job: Changing Behavior and Culture in a Healthcare Setting to Save Energy". ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings conference proceedings. Asilomar.
- Coops N., Marcus J., Costrut I., Frank E., Kellett R., Mazzi E., Munro A., Nesbit S., Riseman A., Schultz A., and Sipos Y. (2016) "How an entry-level, interdisciplinary, sustainability course revealed the benefits and challenges of a university-wide initiative for sustainability education" J. of Sustainability in Higher Educ. v17(1).
Professional Honors and Awards
- Environmental Science & Technology: "Top Environmental Policy Paper" (2007) by journal editors.
- ES&T's Best Papers of 2006.
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- ENGY 610
- ENGY 830