Eleanor Schwartz

Eleanor Schwartz

Title: Senior Specialist

Department: Management, Marketing, and Humanities

Campus: Long Island and New York City

Area(s) of Expertise: Marketing, Management, Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Advertising

Education Credentials: M.B.A.

Joined New York Tech: 2015

Eleanor (Ellie) Schwartz is considered an expert in marketing and advertising, with specific expertise in innovation of new products and services, entrepreneurship and intrapraneurship and the use of social media and digital analytics. She is a trained ethnographer and moderator, with equal expertise in quantitative research, developing metrics and programs for global clients including IBM.

She has worked on the client side (Hiram Walker, IBM) and agency side (experiential agency George P Johnson, Waring and LaRosa/Omnicom, Publicis, and Rogers Group. She also is an experienced consultant: (Merck, Nabisco, Novartis, McNeill Labs, Janssen, Johnson and Johnson, Genentech-Roche, Pfizer, Eisai) and for market research agencies. She developed the curriculum for Seton Hall's M.B.A. in Market Research and programs for professional studies certificates in social media, data analytics and omni-channel marketing for Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY. She is currently SVP of Eaton Marketing Group, Market Intelligence and Customer Behavior. Also, she is a consultant to Beresford Research, where she designs and contributes to development of cutting-edge research techniques to solve client issues. At New York Tech, she teaches courses in management, business and marketing, with specific expertise in innovation, healthcare, and entrepreneurial studies.

Recent Projects and Research

Selected Publications and Presentations


Professional Honors and Awards

Courses Taught at New York Tech

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