Joshua Bienstock

Joshua Bienstock

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Human Resource Management

Campus: Long Island/New York City

Area(s) of Expertise: Business, Labor and Employment Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Education Credentials: L.L.M., J.D.

Industry Credentials: Bar Admissions: United States Supreme Court, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, United States District Court for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York and Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division Second Department

Joined New York Tech: 2006

Joshua E. Bienstock has been a practicing employment and labor lawyer for 30 years, a mediator for over 10 years. His research focuses on conflict resolution in the world of higher education and how different cultures contrast in their approach to conflict resolution. For over a decade he has been an invited lecturer at Cornell University and the City University of New York (CUNY), addressing business, governmental, and educational delegations from Vietnam, Korea, and China on the topics of conflict resolution, and collective bargaining. He has been an invited international speaker, presenting a series of lectures in China related to conflict resolution, collective bargaining, negotiation, mediation, and arbitration to faculty, students and lawyers in seven universities, and three law firms/non-governmental organizations in 2013 and in 2014. Recently, he was invited by CUNY to speak to a group of visiting civil servants from Jinlin, China.

Regarded as an expert in this field by his peers at CUNY, they posted many of his presentations on its website, where thousands of professors, students, and practitioners throughout the world can access and benefit from his experience and expertise.

Bienstock is also certified by the New York State Office of Court Administration to provide Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses to members of the New York State Bar. In the past he has conducted CLE courses on “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Lawyers” and “Negotiating Techniques and Strategies for Lawyers” and recently developed a CLE course on the topic of “Mediation Skills for Lawyers.”

The author of a monthly article in the Queensboro News Magazine of the Queens Chamber of Commerce on topics related to labor and employment law and conflict resolution, Bienstock has published a series of articles on doing business with international business partners and effectively negotiating in a culturally diverse world. Articles cover China, South Korea, Jamaica, Germany, and the United Arab Emirates.

Recent Projects and Research

Selected Publications and Presentations

Professional Honors and Awards

Courses Taught at New York Tech

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