Jaime (Jim) Martinez

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Interdisciplinary Studies
Campus: New York City
Area(s) of Expertise: Interdisciplinary STEAM education, collaboration, creativity, improvisational performance in teaching, instructional technology, ethnography, computer network management
Education Credentials: Ph.D.
Industry Credentials: New York State Permanent Certification in K–6 Education
Joined New York Tech: 2011
Dr. Jaime E. Martinez is an associate professor of Interdisciplinary Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at the New York Institute of Technology. His active research interests include interdisciplinary STEAM education, service-learning pedagogy, collaboration and Vygotskian cultural performatory approaches to human development and learning.
Dr. Martinez graduated from the City University of New York Graduate Center with a Ph.D. in Urban Education in 2009. He is a permanently certified New York City public school teacher and a New York City Teaching Fellow.
Dr. Martinez graduated from Hunter College in New York City in 1987, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Before teaching, Dr. Martinez was a managing director in an internet security start-up and a corporate information technology manager for 16 years. He has served on the board of directors of the All Stars Project, a national non-profit youth development program, where he has been a volunteer and financial contributor for over 20 years.
Dr. Martinez is also an associate at the East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy, “an international education, training, and research center for developing and promoting alternative and radically humanistic approaches in psychology, therapy, education, and community building.”
Recent Projects
- Freshman Showcase December 2017 - First ever freshman academic showcase event sponsored by the IS division in partnership with student leaders, the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Department of International and Experiential Education. There were 181 student participants at the two-day event along with four faculty members.
- Location chairperson on the planning committee for Cultivating Ensembles in STEM Education and Research Conference 2019
- Co-led Service-learning training for adjuncts and students with staff from the office of International and Experiential Education
- Collaborated on the development of Personalized Academic Learning Maps (PALM), a new strategy for advising students in the Interdisciplinary Studies major
- Co-PI on Building Resilient Communities initiative, an internally funded community research and engagement project. I advised on service-learning projects with students and provided assistance and direction to staff and faculty.
- Co-developed a new minor for Interdisciplinary Studies (Modeling Maker)
- Presented at the NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine–Intra-Institutional Collaborative Research November 2017
- Presented at the CESTEMER 2017 conference in Chicago
- Developed informal creativity and learning student engagement program, FUN (Fun, Unique, New) for implementation in the Fall 2018 semester
- Developed syllabi for a new course in partnership with a senior scholar outside of New York Tech to run as an IDSP 320 Seminar. The title of the course is Global Community Activism.
- Submitted in December 2017 an interdisciplinary NSF proposal (Secure and Trusted Computing) in partnership with faculty in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and in the Education division
- Hosted New York City Magnet Schools Program professional development in January 2018
- Facilitated and attended public school visit between faculty in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and The Young Women’s Leadership School in Queens
- PI ISRC grant ($10,000) Title: Developing Teaching Practices in Global Online Communities
- PI awarded an external grant micro-grant ($1000) to develop an academic community research publishing platform connected to the CESTEMER 2019 conference
- Martinez, J. & Bravo, A. (2018). “Service-learning can create possibilities in public schools” Chapter in Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice, Lund, D.E. (Ed.) 2016, Wiley Blackwell Publishing.
- Martinez, J. E. (2017). The Search for Method in STEAM Education. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Martinez, J.E. (2014). “How do we relate to teachers as revolutionaries in a system that evaluates them?” Chapter in Teacher Evaluation: The Charge and the Challenges. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education. O’Hara, K.E. (Ed.) Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
- Martinez, J.E. (2013). “Performatory Social Therapeutic Approaches to Internet-based Collaboration in Schools,” Chapter in Transforming Urban Education: Collaborating to produce success in science, mathematics and technology education. Tobin, K. & Shady. A. (Eds) Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishing.
- Martinez, J.E. (2011). A performatory approach to teaching, learning, and technology, Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishing.
- 2018 PressForward Microgrant / George Mason University, the amount awarded $1,000
- 2017 New York Tech ISRC Title: Developing Teaching Practices in Global Online Communities Martinez PI, co-PIs O’Hara, Parkes. Amount awarded $10,000
- 2014–2016 New York Tech ISRC Grant Title: Service Learning and Creating Zones of Proximal Development for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) learning – amount awarded $6,456
Honors and Awards
- 2015 High Five Certificate in recognition of valuable contributions to the Division of Student Affairs at New York Tech
- 2013 Presidential Engagement Award for Engaged Teaching and Learning, New York Tech
- 2013 Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching NYIT School of Education
- 2012 Building Community through Education NYIT Career Services
Graduate Courses in Education
- EDIT 603 Foundations I, Philosophy of Instructional Technology
- EDIT 690 Assessment and Evaluation Methods
- EDIT 625 Science Math and Technology I
- EDIT 626 Science Math and Technology II
- EDIT 618 Foundations II, Diversity, Learning and Technology
- EDIT 620 Role of the Computer Coordinator
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Courses
- FCIQ 101 Foundations of Inquiry (service-learning)
- ETCS 105 Career Discovery (Service-learning)