Jonathan Goldman

Jonathan Goldman

Title: Professor

Department: English

Campus: New York City

Educational Credentials: Ph.D.

Joined New York Tech: 2008

Jonathan Goldman researches and teaches literature and its relationship to mass, technological society, specializing in twentieth-century US/British/Irish novels, modernism, popular culture, literature/law studies, and the cultural history of New York City. He is the author of Modernism Is the Literature of Celebrity (U of Texas P, 2011), editor of James Joyce and the Law (U of Florida P, 2018), and co-editor of Modernist Star Maps: Celebrity, Modernity, Culture (Ashgate, 2010). His work appears in such venues as The Cambridge Companion to Ulysses, Cambridge Contexts: Bernard Shaw, Cambridge Contexts: Tom Stoppard, Public Domain Review, Public Books, Gothamist, The Village Voice, Atlas Obscura, Modernism/modernity Print+, James Joyce Quarterly, Narrative, Novel: A Forum on Fiction, The Paris Review, The Millions, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and The James Joyce Literary Supplement. Much of his recent research forms the basis of the website New York 1920s: 100 Years Ago Today (When We Became Modern). He is President of the James Joyce Society, founded in 1947.

Goldman received his Ph.D. from Brown and bachelor's degree from the University of California at Berkeley.

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