Jeffrey Raven

Jeffrey Raven

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Urban and Regional Design

Campus: New York City

Educational Credentials: Ph.D., MSt. (Cantab.), B.Arch., B.F.A., B.A.

Industry Credentials: FAIA, LEED BD+C

Joined New York Tech: 2012

Jeffrey Raven is a specialist in sustainable and resilient urban design whose research is applied in professional practice and disseminated throughout the profession, government and allied disciplines. As Director of the NYIT Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Design from 2012-2020, he shaped the program to engage the fluid, interdisciplinary and global urban design profession that is practiced in the 21st century.

His professional practice focuses on US-international urban design projects and knowledge transfer. Projects in the Arabian Gulf, India, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and the United States include low-carbon communities, climate resilience, green buildings, and smart growth. Jeffrey contributes to the development of US and international sustainable-resilient guidelines-metrics, including STAR Communities, the Global EcoDistrict Protocol, McKinsey’s Green Districts and Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel. His work expands on the traditional influence and capabilities of architect-urbanists by bridging climate science, policy and design practice.

His lectures and workshops include MIT-Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge University (England), The World Bank (Washington), the Humboldt Foundation (Germany), Le Monde CITIES (Paris), École Polytechnique (Paris), Pavillon de l’Arsenal (Paris), Université Gustave Eiffel (Paris), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris), Columbia University, Cornell University, Tongji University (Shanghai), Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Peking University, Xiamen University (China), Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mumbai First (India), Asian Development Bank (Manila), Climate Change Summit 2017 (Morocco), Urban Design Climate Workshop for Durban (South Africa), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations (UNEP, Habitat, UNDP), the Regional Assembly (NYC), the Center for Architecture (NYC) and The New York Times Knowledge Network.

Publications include coordinating lead author of Urban Planning & Urban Design - Climate Change and Cities (Cambridge University Press 2018); From Climate Science to Practice, Urban Design & Climate Change, (Urban Design Journal-London 2019), Climate Resilient Urban Design, Resilient Cities (Springer 2011); and Shaping Resilient Cities in China, India and the United States (P. Lang 2014), Urban Design Climate Workshop: Gowanus (Urban Land Institute 2020), Ville chaude - quartiers cool : À la recherche des îlots de fraîcheur (Urbanisme-Paris 2020), Les villes doivent s’inspirer de la climatologie urbaine, Le Monde-Paris 2020. Externally Funded research: Three National Science Foundation projects on sustainable urban systems and climate-resilient urban design.

The American Institute of Architects elevated him to the College of Fellows (FAIA) in 2015. Co-Chair of the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter Planning & Urban Design Committee (2016-22), served on Board of Directors for AIA New York State, Partnership Chair Group in Architectural Pedagogy and Research for the French Ministry of Culture. In Paris, he has served on doctoral thesis jurors at Université Gustave Eiffel and Université Paris 8, as juror for the Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) and as C40 Cities juror in Houston for C40 Reinventing Cities competition. He was educated at Université Paris-Est Sup (France), Cambridge University (England), the Rhode Island School of Design and Trinity College (USA).

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