Jason Van Nest

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Architecture
Campus: New York City
Area(s) of Expertise: Architecture, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), Parametric Design, Design Computation, Affordable Housing, Modular Construction, Offsite Construction and Manufacturing, National and Industry Standards
Education Credentials: M.Arch.
Industry Credentials: RA
Joined New York Tech: 2009
Jason Van Nest is a licensed architect working in New England, an entrepreneur founder of Logic Building Systems, and an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture and Design.
He currently serves as the president of the New York Institute of Technology Academic Senate. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Offsite Construction.
As an architect, Van Nest has contributed to several award-winning projects, including the NYC Pier A renovation (2008) with H3, winning the Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award, the Hillside House with David Weiner Architects, and winning an AIANY Oculus Award, among many others.
As a building information modeling and virtual design and construction (BIM/VDC) consultant, he has helped several modular production facilities launch and helped many more world-renowned architecture firms use advanced technology to improve their project delivery workflows, including SHoP Architects, Diller, Scoffidio + Renfro, Cooper Robertson Partners, HWKN, Deborah Berke Partners, CookFox, GLUCK+, and others.
As a professor, Van Nest has taught more than a dozen different courses at New York Tech, as well as graduate-level computational design courses at Yale School of Architecture and graduate-level representation courses at New York School of Interior Design (NYSID).
He is a 2008 MacDowell Colony Fellow and a 2015 Byrdcliffe Arts Colony Fellow. He has served six years on the Board of Directors at the MacDowell Colony after being elected Fellows Executive Committee President in 2012.
He earned his Master of Architecture degree at Yale School of Architecture in 2005, and a B.S. in Architecture at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1999.
Recent Projects and Research
- Research Fellowship Byrdcliffe Arts Guild Woodstock, NY, USA. "Designs and Constraints for the 21st Century Artist Colony" (ongoing)
- 2021 – present: President, Academic Senate, New York Institute of Technology. Elected from the ranks of tenured faculty, and tasked with the faithful execution of the following responsibilities: Preside at all Senate and Executive Committee meetings. Serve as a faculty representative to the Board of Trustees. Chair the Budget, Finances, and Resource Allocations Committee. Serve ex officio as a member of all standing committees. Perform such other duties as are appropriate to the office.
- 2012 – 2018 Board of Directors The MacDowell Colony New York, USA
- 2016 – 2018 NYC Space Design Task Force
- 2018 NYC Space Launch Task Force
- 2014 – 2018 Development Committee
- 2017 Presidential Search Committee
- 2010 – 2018 President - Fellows Executive Cmte. The MacDowell Colony New York, USA. Elected Emeritus Member: 2019 – present. Service: advise Board of Directors on Colony policies and initiatives. Growth: added Regional Liaison and Emeritus positions to sustain new roles.
- 2016 – present: Founder The Nullary() Group New York, USA MiTek Modular Building Solutions, Inc., Chesterfield, MO.
- 2020 – present: Undisclosed Modular Project (completed 2020) Lebanon, PA, USA. Undisclosed Modular Project (completed 2021) Various locations, USA.
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Canadian Patent 2,828,887 – October 27, 2015
- US Pat. App US 14/001,714 – January 09, 2014
Papers while at New York Tech
- 2023 (preprint) Open Source Connectivity Standards for the U.S. Offsite Construction Industry
- 2015 Fall Conference Paper Proceedings of the ACSA, Simulating Paradoxes by Jason Van Nest and Mathew Ford, ACSA Press, October 08, 2016.
- 2014 Fall Conference Paper Proceedings of the ACSA, New Design-build Directions: Training the Architect as a Product Designer, by Jason Van Nest and Farzana Gandhi, ACSA Press, October 04, 2014.
- Retrospecta 2003–2004, Yale School of Architecture. Chief Editor
- Retrospecta 2004–2005, Yale School of Architecture. Editorial Consultant
- Built: The BlueBeam blog "3D Printing in Construction Comes of Age" by Erik Sherman, October 18, 2021.
- FAST Company (blog: FastCoExist) "Upcycled Disaster Housing Made Of Disaster Relief Water Bottles" by Adele Peters, November 22, 2013.
- Triple Pundit "Plastic Bottles Turn to Roofing Materials in Disaster Zones" by Jan Lee, November 05, 2013.
- NYIT Magazine "Raising the Roof" by Elaine Iandoli, Volume 9, Number 4.
- NYIT Magazine "Faculty Going Green" by Michael Schiavetta, Volume 9, Number 3.
- Engineering News Record "Reorganize Divisions of Labor" by Nadine Post, November 04, 2013.
- Engineering News Record "Process Change for the Paradigm Shift to Virtual Design & Construction", enr.com, December 25, 2013.
- "This Disaster Housing Is Made From Upcycled Relief Water Bottles" by Jamie Condliffe, Gizmodo, November 25, 2013.
- "This Prototype Turns a Pallet of Water Bottles into a Disaster Shelter" by Derek Markham, TreeHugger, November 25, 2013.
- "Disaster Housing Made from Water Bottles Solves two Needs at Once" by Sarah Laskow, Grist, November 26, 2013.
- "SodaBIB's Jason Van Nest: Rethinking Roofing by Reusing" 1-800-RECYCLING October 25, 2012.
- "Kickstarter Project Turns Soda Bottles, Shipping Pallets into Roofing" by Christina Caldwell, Earth 911 News November 02, 2012.
- New York Academy of Science | H3 "7 World Trade Center" by Russell Fortmeyer, Architecture Record, August 2007.
- "Never Forget" by Joseph Giovaninni, Interior Design (75th Anniversary Edition), Mar 2007. "Moving Up" (cover story/art) by Linda Miller, Oculus, Spring 2007.
- "For Science Academy, Move to World Trade Center Is Like Going Home" by David Dunlap, The New York Times, New York Region Section, October 30, 2006.
- "Science is First Full-Floor Tenant at 7 WTC" by Bill Millard, eOculus, November 2006.
- Jackson Federal Courthouse | H3 "Action Jackson" by C.J. Hughs, Architecture Record, August 2007.
- "Tech Brief" by Alan Joch, Architecture Record, January 2005.
- "GSA Goes Virtual With Courtroom Design" by Dave Barista Building Design and Construction, February 2007. "Technophobe Young Architects and Chicken Parmesan" by Richard Korman, Engineering News-Record, November 2006.
- Globe Theater | H3 "Imagining, and Reimagining the Globe" by Jeremy Kahn, The New York Times, Arts Section (cover story/art), January 13, 2007.
- "All the World's His Stage" by Philip Kennicott, The Washington Post, Style Section, January 15, 2007. "New Twists On a Famed Theater" by Tom Gottlieb, Roll Call, Around the Hill Section, January 11, 2007.
- "Shakespeare's Global Appeal" by Deborah Dietsch, The Washington Times, Arts & Culture Section, January 13, 2007.
- Pier A | H3 "Pier A Renovation Work Approved" by Julie Shapiro, Downtown Express, January 29, 2010.
- "City Backs Long-Delayed Plan to Restore Historic Pier A" by Matt Dunning, The Tribeca Trib, February 5, 2010.
- "Sketch Pad: Reinventing A Stable As an Essay In Light" by Tracie Rozhon, The New York Times, Real Estate Section, March 12, 2006.
Honors and Awards
- 2013 – Lumen Prize: Lumen Prize Exhibition. New York, N.Y., USA
- 2013 – People's Choice Award: NY State Business Plan Comp. Albany, N.Y., USA
- 2012 – Judge's Choice Award: NY State Business Plan Comp. Albany, N.Y., USA
- 2008 – Fall Residence Fellowship: The MacDowell Colony. Peterborough, N.H., USA
- 2000 – Oculus Award: AIANY. Manhattan, N.Y., USA
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- ARCH 221: Building Construction I
- ARCH 222: Building Construction II
- ARCH 291: Parametric Performance
- ARCH 291: Parametric Tools for Architects
- ARCH 294: Parametric Furniture Design
- ARCH 294: Parametric Studio Workshop
- ARCH 272: Environmental Site Planning
- ARCH 327: Construction Documents
- ARCH 340: Visualization II
- ARCH 402: Comprehensive Design Studio
- ARCH 423: Project Integration Studio
- ARCH 474: Real Estate Finance
- ARCH 476: Modern Construction Technologies
- ARCH 481: Professional Practice
- ARCH 501: Architectural Thesis Studio I
- ARCH 501: Architectural Thesis Studio II