Lynn Rogoff

Lynn Rogoff

Title: Adjunct Associate Professor

Department: Digital Art & Design and English

Campus: New York City

Area(s) of Expertise: Computer Game Design, Media Production

Education Credentials: M.F.A.

Joined New York Tech: 2009

Lynn Rogoff has been in the forefront of the confluence of art, technology, communications, and business with ground-breaking film, television, and multimedia content. Her work has been influential in introducing American history, social causes, and culture to several generations.

Rogoff founded the AMERIKIDS USA company developing AMERIKIDS® as a pilot TV series for ABC Network Television and venturing into a CD-ROM game series and winning a prestigious challenge grant from Oracle Corporation to produce a prototype. Pony Express Rider was published and released by McGraw-Hill Home Interactive for Christmas 1996 to critical acclaim. Rogoff’s Pony Express Rider was the flagship product launching McGraw-Hill Home Interactive. This live-action, $1.5 million blue screen three-disk adventure was awarded a Crystal Award, a Bessie Award, National Parenting Center Seal of Approval, and a Family Channel Seal of Quality.

Rogoff oversaw the building of an interdisciplinary team with NYIT School of Management, resulting in Green Kids Media winning the People’s Choice Award at the New York State Business Competition in 2012. Amerikids USA has been awarded a prestigious package of hardware, software, and support from Open Source Virtual Reality in conjunction with the New York Tech HIVE.

Her film, No Maps on My Taps, aired nationally and internationally for a decade and was honored with two Emmy Awards. Rogoff won a nomination for outstanding writing achievement from the Writers Guild of America. She has worked as writer, producer, and director on Sesame Street, Big Blue Marble, and Watch Your Mouth in the U.S. and Rechov Sum Sum in Israel (Israeli Sesame Street).

Rogoff received her M.F.A. in directing from NYU School of the Arts.

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