Matthias Altwicker

Matthias Altwicker

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Architecture

Campus: New York City

Education Credentials: B.Arch, M.U.P.

Industry Credentials: RA, LEED AP, AIA

Joined New York Tech: 2002

Matthias Altwicker is an architect and professor. His firm, Studio A+H is currently working on a wide range of projects in the metropolitan area, from new construction (affordable senior housing on Atlantic Avenue) to adaptive reuse (renovations of turn-of-the-century buildings in Brooklyn) to public outreach (studies for City Of Yes Zoning for the City Council of NY). His firm is also committed to research and has worked for the last 10 years on representing and exhibiting new perspectives on public housing, open space, and housing density to the broader public. Matthias is also the senior architect for the NYC office of the Danish architecture firm 3XN; managing constructed projects throughout North America, including the award-winning T3 mass timber building in Toronto.

Recent Projects/Research

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Honors and Awards

Courses Taught at New York Tech

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