M. Christopher Wernicki
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Campus: New York City
Area(s) of Expertise: Lasers and Photonics
Education Credentials: Ph.D., M.E.
Industry Credentials: IEEE, ASEE
Joined New York Tech: 1985
Recent Projects/Research
- Polarization Changes in Single Mode Fibers in a Stressed Naval Environment, with Dr. J. Namkung, Photonics Labs, US NAVY, Patuxant River, MD.
- CLEO- the IEEE conference on Lasers and Photonics, Baltimore, MD., 2009 and 2011.
- Developing a new courses in the Photonics for an Undergraduate curriculum.
- “Polarization Mode Changes & Characteristics of Wave Propagation in Single Mode Fibers,” Part 2, with Dr. Juock Namkung, Photonics Labs, US Naval Air System Command, NAVY Research Report, Patuxent River, MD., Part 2., 2009.
- “Polarization and Mode changes depending on the environmental stress in single mode fibers,” with Dr. Juock Namkung, Naval Air Warfare Ctr.; Dr. G. Wilkins, Morgan State University; Capt. USN., M. Hoke, Air Force Research Labs. Proceedings of SPIE/IEEE 0277-786X, Volume 7314, 13-14, April 09.
- “Polarization Mode Changes & Characteristics of Wave Propagation in Single Mode Fibers,” Part 1, with Dr. Juock Namkung, Photonics Labs, US Naval Air System Command, NAVY Research Report, Patuxent River, MD., 2008.
- “ROADM Characterization in a Conjunction with Wavelength Division Multiplexers,” with Dr. Juock Namkung, Michael Hackertt, and Brian McDermott, US Naval Air System Command, NAVY Research Report, Patuxant River, MD., 2006.
- “Polarization Effects in Single Mode Fibers at the Faulty Junctions,” with Dr. Juock Namkung, US NAVY-Naval Air Systems Command, NAVY Research Report, Patuxent River, MD., 2005.”
Honors and Awards
- 2007/2008: Nominated for a Presidential Award for an Excellence in Full-time Teaching at New York Tech
- Annual Faculty Scholars Award: Distinguished Research Faculty Fellow: 2006, 2008, 2009
- US NAVY- Distinguished Research Fellow 2006, 2008, 2009.
- International Who’s Who of Professionals
- Who’s Who on Science and Engineering
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- EENG 330: Electromagnetic Theory I, DL class
- EENG 382: Random Signals and Statistics
- EENG 401: Communication Theory
- EENG 518: Communication Theory, DL Class
- EENG 515: Random Signals and Statistics
- EENG 635: Probability and Stochastic Processes
- EENG 720:Control System Theory
- EENG 899: Master Project