Marcella Del Signore

Marcella Del Signore

Title: Associate Professor;
Director, MS Urban & Regional Design

DEPARTMENT: Architecture

CAMPUS: New York City

Area(s) of Expertise: Architectural Design, Urbanism, Computational Technologies, Digital Practices, History/Theory of Technology and Urbanism

Education Credentials: M.Arch.

Industry Credentials: RA, AIA Int.l Assoc.

Joined New York Tech: 2017

Marcella Del Signore is an architect, urbanist, educator, scholar, and the principal of X-Topia, a design-research practice that explores the intersection of architecture and urbanism with technology and the public, social and cultural realm. She is an associate professor and director of the Master of Science in Architecture, Urban and Regional Design at NYIT School of Architecture and Design. Her research focuses on interscalar design approaches that engage the notion of socio-technical systems through computation, prototyping, material and fabricated assemblies, data-driven protocols, and adaptive environments. Her work investigates architecture, environments, and cities not as isolated entities but as part of an extended field mediated through the discursive application of technology. In her design practice, she has built a wide array of urban interventions and small-scale prototypes recognized through publications, grants, and awards. She holds a Master of Architecture from Sapienza University in Rome and a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University.

She has published a wide array of refereed papers, articles, and book chapters and is the co-author of Urban Machines: Public Space in a Digital Culture (LISTLab, 2018; OROEditions, 2020; with G. Riether) that explores how information and communication technologies have radically changed the way we inhabit and operate in the urban space. She is also the co-editor of the book Data, Matter, Design: Strategies in Computational Design (2020, Routledge) that presents a comprehensive overview of current design processes that rely on the input of data and use of computational design strategies, and their relationship to an array of outputs, with a focus on urban ecologies, emerging materials, robotic agents, adaptive fields, and virtual constructs. In 2018, she co-edited (with P. Anzalone and A. J. Wit) "Recalibration: On Imprecision and Infidelity" paper and project proceedings published during the 2018 ACADIA (Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture) Conference where she served as technical co-chair and part of the ACADIA board of directors from 2016-18. Also, in 2017, she co-edited the book 7 Strategies for Urbanism (University of Trento, 2017; with V. Cribari) that explores operative strategies for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches in urban design.

She has taught and collaborated with academic institutions in Europe and the United States, including Tulane University, Barnard College at Columbia University, the Architectural Association, Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC), University of Waterloo, LSU School of Architecture, National Italian Institute of Architecture, and the University of Trento. At Tulane University, she taught in the School of Architecture and served as director of the Rome study abroad program, and in 2016 was appointed as the Kylene and Brad Beers SE Endowed Professor at the Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinking.

She has operated nationally and internationally through an extended network of partners, institutions and sponsors that have supported her work, and has received several awards and recognitions including the 2019 Presidential Engagement Award for Integration of Technology at New York Tech, Broad+Water and Duncan Plaza Competition, first prize (with C. Roser; 2016–2018), the American Architecture Prize, Gold Prize for "Helix" at the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum (with G. Morando, E. Del Signore; 2016), the eVolo_VModern, third prize for "Helix" (with G. Morando, E. Del Signore; 2015), Berlin Design Week, first prize for "Helix" (with G. Morando, E. Del Signore; 2015), the Urban Urge Award (with M. El Khafif; 2014), the AIA New Orleans, USGBC Excellence in Sustainability Award: Projects of Note for "Coded Space" and "Helix" (with C. Roser, G. Morando, E. Del Signore; 2014), and the Young Italian Talent in Architecture and Design by the Italian Ministry (2010), among others.

She is a licensed architect and has practiced in Rome, New Orleans, and New York. In New York, she worked at Eisenman Architects and Richard Meier & Partners. She co-curated the "Data and Matter" exhibition at the European Cultural Center during the 2018 Architecture Venice Biennale, and is currently invited to exhibit at the 17th Architecture Venice Biennale in 2021.

Recent Projects/Research

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Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters, Journal Articles, and Papers

Professional Honors and Awards

Courses Taught at New York Tech

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