Michael Gindi

Michael Gindi

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Clinical Specialties

Campus: Long Island

Area(s) of Expertise: Emergency Medicine

Education Credentials: M.S., M.D.

Industry Credentials: FACEP

Joined New York Tech: 2016

Originally from Brooklyn, N.Y., Michael Gindi began his academic career studying art history at Vassar College. His transition to the sciences began at Columbia University, where he received an M.S. in human nutrition and a medical degree from Albany Medical College. While at Thomas Jefferson University, he completed his residency-training in emergency medicine.

Gindi has extensive clinical experience in numerous emergency departments and urgent care centers, but the lion's share of his career has been as a teacher. For 22 years he worked at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx, where he served as Associate Residency Director and Director of Undergraduate Medical Education in the Department of Emergency Medicine. While there, he helped grow the student rotation experience and the residency into one of the largest and most respected in the United States.

Having lectured extensively and been widely published, Gindi is interested in a vast array of clinical subjects. One of his passions is the study of Emergency Medical Ethics, particularly as they apply to physicians' relationships with biomedical companies.

Gindi, the recipient of numerous teaching and mentorship awards, has held academic appointments at multiple U.S. medical schools. Prior to joining New York Tech, he served as Dean of Clinical Sciences at Xavier University School of Medicine in Aruba. He is board certified in emergency medicine and holds a Fellowship in the American College of Emergency Physicians. In addition, he has written board questions for the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners.

His avocations include rock climbing, downhill skiing, cycling,and poetry.


Honors and Awards

Courses Taught at New York Tech

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