Milan Toma

Milan Toma

Title: Assistant Professor

Department: Clinical Sciences

Campus: Long Island

Areas of Expertise: Image Processing, High-Performance Computing, Computational Mechanics/Biomechanics, Biomechanical/Biomedical Engineering

Education Credentials: Ph.D.

Joined New York Tech: 2017

Milan Toma, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of clinical sciences at NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM). His areas of expertise include image processing, high-performance computing, computational mechanics/biomechanics, biomechanical/biomedical engineering, Trefftz elements, hydrated soft tissue, impact biomechanics, head and brain injuries, and cardiovascular fluid-structure interaction.

With the help of NYITCOM students, Toma researchers the interactions between fluid and structures within the human body. This work spans a variety of conditions, including fluids found in the brain, during pregnancy, in the heart and veins, and in the eyes.

Prior to joining NYITCOM, Toma served as an assistant professor of mechanical engineering for NYIT College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, where he conducted critical research to simulate fluid dynamics under various conditions. This includes simulation research on pediatric head trauma (shaken baby syndrome) that sparked an International Business Times op-ed, and demonstrated that the brain’s cerebrospinal fluid may not provide as much protection as previously believed, helping clinicians and caregivers better understand the impact of these injuries.

In addition to his notable pediatric head trauma research, Toma, along with students from the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, tested the effectiveness of protective helmets and replicated high-risk head injuries from automobile accidents and contact sports, including lacrosse, baseball, football, and ice hockey. In 2018 and 2020, Toma received grants from the New York Thoroughbred Horsemen's Association to perform similar research on the efficacy of jockey helmets in collaboration with other head injury researchers, which aims to test the protection of various helmet designs in order to help determine the best head protection in a variety of racing conditions.

After Toma received his Ph.D. in Engineering Science from the Technical University of Lisbon in Portugal, he worked as a project researcher in Altair Engineering France in Paris, with a focus on computational analysis of brain injuries. From Paris, he moved to Japan, where he worked as a research assistant professor at Tokyo University and at a research institute RIKEN, where he developed numerical algorithms for cardiovascular fluid-structure interaction simulations. After three years in Japan, he moved to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) where he worked in the field of computational combustion at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology as a visiting researcher. After one year in KSA, he moved to the U.S. where he worked at a cardiovascular fluid mechanics laboratory under the guidance of Dr. Ajit Yoganathan, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Milan Toma on head impact simulations and helmet design.

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