Nayoung Kim

Title: Assistant Professor

Department: Psychology and Counseling

Campus: New York City

Areas of Expertise: Counselor Education and Supervision, Multicultural Issues in Counseling, Counselor Wellness, and Mental Health Literacy

Education Credentials: Ph.D.

Industry Credentials: NCC

Joined New York Tech: 2020

Nayoung Kim, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of Counselor Education in the Department of Psychology and Counseling. She has been a National Certified Counselor and worked as an English teacher in middle school. Her clinical and supervision experiences include school, college, and community counseling settings. Before she joined New York Tech, she served as an assistant professor at the State University of New York College at Oneonta. Kim's scholarship focuses on counselor education, counselor wellness, multicultural issues in counseling, and mental health literacy. She has presented numerous papers at local, regional, national, and international conferences. Kim has also served as an editorial review board member for counseling journals at the national level.

Kim received her Bachelor of Arts in English Language Education from Seoul National University and Master of Arts in Educational Counseling from the same institution. She obtained her Ph.D. in Counselor Education from University of Central Florida with her dissertation entitled "The relationship between first generation college students' personal and public stigma, social support, perceived discrimination, and help-seeking attitudes."

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