Pamela Karp

Title: Associate Professor;
Dept Chair/Program Director, Masters of Science
Department: Occupational Therapy, Center for eSports Medicine
Campus: Long Island
Area(s) of Expertise: Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
Education Credentials: Ed.D.
Industry Credentials: OTR/L, CHT
Joined New York Tech: 2017
Pamela Karp earned her doctoral degree from Concordia University after successfully defending her dissertation entitled, "A Case Study to Determine Classroom and Field Educator Perspectives on Occupational Therapy Student Readiness for Transition to Clinical Practice" in December 2018. She earned a post-professional Master of Health Science degree from the University of Florida in 2010 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from Stony Brook University in 1999. She has been a certified hand therapist since 2005.
Karp has more than two decades of experience in upper extremity rehabilitation treating clients with cumulative pathology, trauma, and neurological dysfunction in the upper quarter. Between 2008 and 2014, she served as adjunct faculty at numerous occupational therapy programs, and as academic fieldwork coordinator at Stony Brook University between 2014 and 2016, before assuming her position as full-time faculty at New York Tech in January 2017.
She has presented to healthcare professionals and students on a variety of topics including orthotic fabrication, work-related upper extremity injuries and ergonomics, creating non-traditional, community-based fieldwork placements, professional advocacy, and fieldwork educator support. Karp's current research interests include the translation of knowledge from the classroom to the clinic and the meaning of preparedness for clinical education from the situated perspectives of both classroom and field educators.
Recent Projects and Research
- Karp, P. & Gallagher. Emotional intelligence development in 3rd year occupational therapy students following fieldwork experiences. Protocol # BHS-1680, 8/26/21. Data collection phase.
- Karp, P. & Gallagher, R. Examination of in-class note-taking strategies among students in health professions programs. Protocol # BHS-1392, 6/11/2018. Data analysis phase.
Selected Publications and Presentations
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Karp, P. & Block, P. (2022) Float to grow: Nurturing the roots of socially inclusive and just practice in occupational therapy students. Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy.
- Karp, P., Lavin, K., & Collins, T. (2022). Exploring fieldwork educator development: Preparation methods and support tools. The Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 6(1), 1–16.
- Karp, P. (2020). Occupational therapy student readiness for transition to the fieldwork environment: A Pilot case study. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 8(4), 1–14.
- Karp, P. & Gallagher, R. (2019). Student perceptions and grade comparisons after exposure to instructor-made skills videos in a kinesiology course. The Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 3(3), 1–16.
- Karp, P. (2018). A case study to determine classroom and field educator perspectives on occupational therapy student readiness for transition to clinical practice. Dissertation for Ed.D., Concordia University. Digital Commons Concordia University @ St. Paul.
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
- Karp, P. (2022). A novel approach to preventing compression neuropathy injuries in esports athletes. ASHT Times, 29(2), 44–45.
Book Chapters
- Karp, P. and Block P. (2021) 'We float together': Immersing occupational therapy students in the Salamander Project. In Kantartzis, S., Pollard, N., Bruggen, H.V. (Eds.) And a seed was planted: Occupation based approaches for social inclusion. Volume two: Inclusion projects and learning experiences (pp. 42–56). London: Whiting and Birch.
- Karp, P., Finn, C., Kuriakose, S., & Sparacino, L. Examining the effects of a faculty mental health training program in higher education. NYIT- ISRC Grant.
- Karp, P. & Gallagher, R. Emotional Intelligence Development in 3rd year Occupational Therapy Students Following Fieldwork Experiences. NYIT-ISRC Grant.
- Karp, P. Lavin, K., & Collins, T. Exploring how occupational therapy practitioners prepare for their role as fieldwork educator and their use of available supports. Touro College Dean's Research Award Additional Funds
- Karp, P., Lavin, K., & Collins, T. Exploring how occupational therapy practitioners prepare for their role as fieldwork educator and their use of available supports. Touro College Dean's Research Award.
Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Health Professions, 2019
- Faculty Honor Award: Stony Brook University, School of Health Technology and Management, 2013
- Outstanding Alumnus of the Year: Stony Brook University, School of Health Technology and Management, 2010
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- OCTH 608 Adult Development and Geriatrics
- OCTH 611 Models of OT Practice
- OCTH 614 Physical Conditions in Adults
- OCTH 744 Upper Extremities and Hand Therapy
- OCTH 615 Kinesiology
Contact Info
- 516.686.3783