Pamela Treister

Title: Clinical Associate Professor
Department: Nursing
Campus: Long Island
Area(s) of Expertise: Medical/Surgical Nursing, Adult Health, School Nursing, Pulmonary Nursing, Nursing Education,
Clinical Simulation - all nursing student levels:
Education Credentials: DNP
Industry Credentials: DNP, CNS, RN, CMSRN, AE-C
Joined New York Tech: 2010
As a nurse for more than 30 years, Pamela Treister has had the opportunity to have worked in many specialty areas: Trauma/Emergency Room, Neurosurgical ICU, Respiratory ICU, Nursing Education and Staff Development, School Nursing, Adjunct Professor in both RN-pathway BS program, and New York Tech as a full time faculty member in the Nursing BS program for the past seven years. She is also the Nursing Arts Laboratory Coordinator and Simulation Laboratory Coordinator for sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the nursing program.
Treister is nationally certified in Adult Medical/Surgical Nursing (CMSRN). She also has her Asthma Educator Certification. Part of her responsibilities as a clinical expert are teaching nursing students in the junior level, both didactic and clinically. She has also taught Education for a Partnership in Asthma Care at Asthma Educator Institute (Asthma Coalition of Long Island). She received her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in Leadership from Quinnipiac University in 2016. Her Clinical Nurse Specialist degree was received from Hunter College, along with the Master of Science degree.
Treister's research interests are using technology as a pedagogy for critical thinking, nursing education, education of parents to help prevent childhood asthma exacerbation, school nursing, emergency room nursing, competencies of baccalaureate nurses, use of simulation in nursing education, knowledge retention of nursing clinical skills from semester to semester, and leadership in nursing education.
Recent Projects/Research
- Treister, P. [Podium Presentation] 2018. Asthma Educator Institute – American Lung Association. Topic: Education Principles for a Partnership in Asthma Care. November 1-2, 2018
- Video Presentation: [Abstract and Video Podium Presentation] (2018). CME & CNE Accredited 17th World Congress on Clinical Nursing & Practice 2018 (Clinical Nursing 2018) August 29-30, 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland. Topic: The Clinical Role of the School Nurse – A Vital Link in Health Care
- Video Presentation: [Abstract and Video Podium Presentation] (2018). 4th World Congress on Nursing and Healthcare (WCNH 2018) June 25-26, 2018 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Topic: Uncompensated Care and the Financial Impact in the Emergency Department
- Treister, P. [Abstract and Podium Presentation] (2018). Leadership and Change Theory: Implementing Change in Nursing Education. Abstract published in Proceedings of: 20th Global Nursing Education Conference. Journal of Nursing & Care, 2018. Volume 7. Doi:10.4172/2167-1168-C2-067. ISSN: 2167-1168. March 21-23, 2018
- Treister, P. [Paper] (2017). Leadership, Medication Administration, and Knowledge Retention: A Quality Improvement Project. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 26(1), 89-99. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Treister. P. Development of RN-BSN Course – New Program at New York Institute of Technology, Department of Nursing. Course Title: Pathophysiology Concepts for Nursing Practice. 2020. Course will be taught starting January 2021
- Treister. P. [Abstract and Virtual Presentation] (2020). Speaker: Developing Critical Thinking Nursing Skills using SBAR Communication, Simulation, and Debriefing. Nursing Summit - Virtual Conference on Nursing and Nursing Practice. August 28, 2020.
- Treister. P. [Abstract and Virtual Presentation] (2020). Speaker: “High Fidelity Simulation and Debriefing – Assisting Nursing Students with Critical Thinking and Knowledge Retention”. Nursing Diversity 2020 - Nursing Healthcare Education and Covid -19 Management. August 17 and 18, 2020
- Selected as one of five NYIT faculty members to present research findings on WNPR radio and Inside Higher Education during “The Academic Minute”. January, 2019
- Radio presentation – WNPR and Inside Higher Education Radio Stations
- Research presented – “Uncompensated Care in the Emergency Room”
- Reviewer for Textbook: Jensen, S. (2019). Nursing health assessment: A best practice guide. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. IBSN#9781451192865
- Treister, P. (2017). Leadership, Medication Administration, and Knowledge Retention: A Quality Improvement Project. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 26(1), 89-99. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Treister, P., Conboy, R., Smittle, L., Carter, C.; Lucarelli, L., and Kampa, E. [Paper] The Financial Impact of Uncompensated Care in the Emergency Department, International Journal of Economy, Energy and Environment. Vol. 2, No. 6, 2017, pp. 104-108. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeee.20170206.13
- Treister, P. [Podium and Full Paper] (2016). Leadership, Medication Administration, and Knowledge Retention: A Quality Improvement Project. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2016 (pp. 1123-1129). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Treister, P. & Darcy D. [Podium and Paper] (2016). Medication Administration and Knowledge Retention in Baccalaureate Nursing Students. In Callaos, N., Horne, J., Savoie, M., Sanchez, B., Tremante, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics, and Cybernetics 2016 and the 7th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies 2016 (pp. 172-177). International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS).
- Darcy, D. & Treister, P. [Podium and Paper] (2015). Revisiting Human Patient Simulation in Nursing Education. In S. Carliner, C. Fulford & N. Ostashewski (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 (pp. 1273-1277). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). EdMedia 2015: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Montreal, Canada. June 21 – June 24, 2015
- Treister, P. [Podium Presentation] (2015). “The Changing Face of Drug Addiction”. 10th Annual Spring Nursing Colloquium: Preventing Risky Behaviors in Young Adults The Health care Provider’s Role Using Best Practices, Old Westbury, New York, March 12, 2015
- Sussman, S. & Treister, P. [Podium and Paper] (2014). “ The Use of Alternative Paradigms in Nursing Academia: Nursing Students Perceptions of the Use of Webinars” E-Learn 2014 World Conference on E-Learning, November 2014, New Orleans, La;
- Treister, P. [Abstract and Poster.] (2014). The “Strongest Link” – Using Game-Play as an Active Learning Pedagogy to Promote Critical Thinking and Teamwork. Nurse Educators Leading the Way, 2014 NSLIJ 7th Annual Nursing Education Conference, Manhasset, New York, September 9, 2014
- Treister P. [Abstract and Poster.] (2013). Teaching, learning, and technology: use of game-play as an active learning pedagogy to critical thinking. 40th Annual National Conference on Professional Nursing Education and Development, Kansas City, M.O., Oct. 18, 2013.
- Treister P. and Sparacino, L. [Podium] (2013). From 911 to 411: putting forth crucial information in a time of crisis. [Podium Speaker.] Interdisciplinary Conference, New York Institute of Technology, Auditorium on Broadway, Dec. 6, 2013.
- Treister P. [Poster.] The use of game-play as an active learning pedagogy to promote critical thinking and teamwork among junior year baccalaureate nursing students. Seventh Annual Research Conference: Translating Evidence from Bench to Bedside, Good Samaritan Hospital, Melville, N.Y., Oct. 25, 2012
Honors and Awards
- Member – Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- Nursing 301: Physical Assessment – Didactic and Clinical, Junior Labs
- Nursing 351: Medication Administration – Didactic and Clinical, Junior Labs
- Nursing 360: Transcultural Nursing II
- Nursing 421: School Nurse Lecture
- Nursing 401: Senior Nursing Labs
- Specialty Lab: Handwashing and PPE Precautions for Ebola and Contagious Patients