Pennie Turgeon

Title: Vice President for IT, CIO & CISO
Campus: Long Island
Areas of Expertise: IT strategy; project/program management; data management/integration; IT service management; data security/privacy; online/distance learning; vendor/contract management
Education Credentials: B.S., M.B.A.
Joined New York Tech: 2019
Pennie Turgeon, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer/Chief Information Security Officer, assumed her role at the New York Institute of Technology in October 2019. She is responsible for ensuring that the university’s information technology (IT) resources are aligned with the strategic priorities of the institution, and that IT services are secure, reliable, easy to use, and cost efficient. To accomplish this task, she works with students, faculty, staff, and trustees to provide leadership, direction, and overall coordination of all aspects of IT. This includes administrative and academic information systems, academic technology support, high-performance computing, media services, technology-enhanced classrooms, videoconferencing and web streaming, web applications development, computing labs, help desk services, networks, systems, telecommunications, data management/analytics, and security/privacy policies. She also coordinates requests for the procurement of enterprise IT services and resources and is responsible for the management of vendor and partner relationships.
From 2006–2019, Pennie was the Vice President for IT and CIO at Clark University as well as the University’s Chief Information Security/Privacy Officer. Prior to that, she was at Worcester Polytechnic Institute for 15 years where she built and cultivated technology-mediated learning environments as the Director of Academic Technology and Distance Learning. She also held positions at Texas Instruments as a systems developer and at IBM as a marketing sales assistant. Pennie served on the NERCOMP Board of Trustees from 2005–2013, serving as the Treasurer from 2007–2009. She continues to be involved with NERCOMP by serving on the Board’s finance committee. Pennie holds a B.S. from Worcester State University and an M.B.A. with a concentration in Management Information Systems from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.