Remi Charron

Remi Charron

Title: Associate Dean and Associate Professor

Department: Energy Management

Campus: Vancouver

Area(s) of Expertise: Building Energy Efficiency, Net Zero Buildings

Education Credentials: Ph.D.

Joined New York Tech: 2016

Remi Charron obtained his Ph.D. in Building Engineering from Concordia University in 2007, where his research focused on developing an optimization tool for the early stage design of net-zero energy solar homes. He worked for three years as a senior researcher in sustainable housing at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, with many projects focused on their EQuilibrium Sustainable Housing demonstration initiative. He has been a member of various committees and teams including the R-2000 and Energy Star for Houses renewal committees, the Canadian Centre for Housing Technologies Research Committee, and the Sustainable Housing Technology Roadmap team. A certified Passive House Designer, Remi has been offering consulting services in housing research and education for five years.

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