Robert Feirsen

Robert Feirsen

Title: Assistant Professor and Chair

Department: Education

Campus: Long Island

Area(s) of Expertise: School district and school building leadership; organizational culture; policy development and implementation; and college readiness

Education Credentials: Ed.D.

Joined New York Tech: 2017

Robert Feirsen joined the faculty of New York Tech in fall 2017. Previously, he served as Superintendent of Garden City (N.Y.) Public Schools for 12 years. Feirsen also served as Deputy Superintendent of Schools in Manhasset (N.Y.) for seven years. His other administrative experience includes service as an elementary principal, middle school principal, and middle school assistant principal. With degrees in history, special education, and educational administration, Feirsen taught at the elementary, middle, and high school levels before moving into supervisory roles. His college teaching experience includes leading graduate courses at Fordham University, Adelphi University, and Stony Brook University Research interests include organizational culture, policy development and implementation, and college readiness.

Feirsen has published articles in several educational journals and magazines. He is co-author of How to Get the Teaching Job You Want, a highly regarded guide to the job search process in education. Feirsen has also presented at national and regional conferences including ASCD, the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA), and the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). Feirsen served as co-chair of the Superintendents-College Presidents Partnership, a group dedicated to increasing collaboration between school districts and colleges on Long Island that is sponsored by the Long Island Regional Advisory Council on Higher Education (LIRACHE), a consortium representing the area’s colleges and universities. The partnership is currently completing a groundbreaking study of college readiness. Feirsen has also served on advisory boards for Adelphi University and New York Tech. He is a member of the Board of Directors of SCOPE, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of public education.

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