Ranja Roy
Title: Professor;
Dept Chair
Department: Mathematics
Campus: Long Island
Area(s) of Expertise: Geometry and Topology
Education Credentials: Ph.D.
Joined New York Tech: 2001
Ranja Roy received her Ph.D. from Binghamton University in 1998 under the guidance of Distinguished Professor F.T. Farrell, known for his research on Borel Conjecture in Mathematics. Her thesis work resulted in a globally recognized publication, providing a counterexample to a famous Trace Conjecture in the K theory of C*-algebra that was presented in major American and Canadian math society conferences in year 2000. Roy held visiting assistant professor positions at Millersville University and Union College before joining New York Tech.
Roy's research interests include algebraic and differential topology and geometric group theory. Currently, her collaborative research with professors at the University of Seville in Spain already has resulted in numerous published research articles.
She has applied her skills in other ways as well. Roy contributed statistical analysis to a study by the Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences at New York Tech that investigated the link between dietary intake and geographic distribution of liver and stomach cancer in Thailand (research published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer).
Roy also enjoys working with students on math modeling projects in science and engineering.
Recent Publications
- F. Lasheras, M. Cardenas, and A. Quintero, Roy, R. "Proper 2- equivalences between infinite ended finitely presented groups," accepted for publication, Journal Algebraic and Geometric Topology.
- F. Lasheras, M. Cardenas, and A. Quintero, Roy, R. "A Topological Equivalence Relation for Finitely Presented Groups," Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (Elsevier Publication), Volume 224, Issue 7, July 2020.
- F. Lasheras, M. Cardenas, and A. Quintero, Roy, R. "QuasiIsometries and Proper Homotopy: The Quasi-isometry invariance of proper 3-realizability of groups," Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, April 2018, Volume 147, Number 4.4.
- F. Lasheras, M. Cardenas, and A. Quintero, Roy, R. "Extensions of Group and proper 3-realizability," Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, February 2016, pages 1–7.
- M. Cardenas, F. F. Lasheras, A. Quintero and R. Roy, “A note on group extensions and proper 3-realizability,” Mediterr. J. Math (2016).
- F. F. Lasheras and R. Roy, “Relating the Freiheitssatz to the asymptotic behavior of a group,” Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana , vol. 29, no. 1 (2013), 75–89.
Professional Honors and Awards
- 2011 Presidential Technology Award, New York Tech
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- All mathematics courses