Shinu Kuriakose

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Physician Assistant Studies
Campus: Long Island
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychiatry, Geriatric Health, Neurology
Education Credentials: DHSc
Industry Credentials: PA-C
Joined New York Tech: 2018
Shinu Kuriakose received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He received his Physician Assistant Certificate and Bachelor of Science Degree from the Pace University-Lenox Hill Hospital Physician Assistant Program in 2001, and his Master's Degree in Advanced Physician Assistant Studies with a concentration in psychiatry from the University of Nebraska in 2002. Kuriakose earned his doctoral degree in health sciences from Nova Southeastern University in December 2016.
Kuriakose practiced inpatient psychiatry for the last 10 years at Bridgeport Hospital in Connecticut, while also working on a per diem basis in the Department of Behavioral Sciences at Jacobi Medical Center. Prior to joining New York Tech, he was a full faculty member and director of clinical education in the Department of PA Studies at Stony Brook University. He continues to be an adjunct lecturer at both Pace and Hofstra Universities.
Kuriakose is married with two beautiful daughters. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, attending sporting events, and traveling with his family.
Recent Projects/Research
- Screening Modalities: Podiatric Evaluation and Assessment in psychiatric patients with diabetic morbidities.
- Kuriakose S. First Episode of Schizophrenia-Case Report. International Journal of Mental Health and Psychiatry 2020, 6:1 DOI: 10.37532/ijmhp.2020.6(1).180
- Kuriakose S. Telepsychiatry: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Healthcare Communications 2020, 5:1 ISSN 2472-1654 DOI: 10.36648/2472-1654.5.1.1
- Kuriakose S. Global Health: Global Infectious Disease Control Systems. World Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation 2019, WJYPR. MS.ID.000517
Professional Honors and Awards
- Distinguished Fellow of the AAPA- July 15, 2020
- Inducted into Alpha Eta Honor Society, June 24, 2016
- School of Health Professions Award for Outstanding Scholarship 2020
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- Epidemiology and Review of the Medical Literature
- Clinical Decision Making
- Research I-II
- Clinical Medicine III-Psychiatry Unit
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention comparative health systems and their varied COVID-19 responses (Center for Global Health)
- Behavioral Medicine
- Research Methodology
- Health Promotion
- Disease Prevention
Poster Presentation
- Poster Presentation on Palliative Care and End of Life Training-Zurich, Switzerland (October 2019) International Association of Physician Assistant Educators-Primary Investigator Dr. Nadya Dimitrov (Stony Brook University)
Webinar Presentation
- Dementia Webinar 2020 Conference July 15-17
Title: Dementia and Depression: An Unfortunate Alliance
Editorial Board Member
- Clinical Medical Review and Reports
- American Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Intellectual Contributions
- Conference Speaker- New York State Society of Physician Assistant, NYSSPA
(October 2021). Three presentations:
- Platform lectures on Mental Health First Aid
- Paradigm of Personality disorders
- Impact of the COVID pandemic on three PA programs in the New York region
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Kuriakose S. DSM 5: Controversial Acceptance and Ongoing Challenges. American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research 2020, 7:4 DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2020.07.001169
- Kuriakose S. Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research 2020, 4:2 ISSN: 2457-0400
- Kuriakose S. Functional Neurological Disorder. Jacobs Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience 2020, 7 (1): 045
- Kuriakose S. Global Health: Issues and Challenges. Medicina Moderna 2020, 27 (1).
Book Chapter
- Kuriakose S. Armand Y. Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Patient-Centered, Timely, and Effective Paradigm Physician Assistant Clinics. 2021 Jul; 6(3) 371-379
- Accepted at the International Association of Medical Science Educators (June 2021) in Cancun, Mexico. Optional choice held via Zoom. Topic on novel modalities for Research training for PA students.
Community Service
- Mental Health First Aid Instructor July 2020 (Part of IMPACT Grant by the Physician Assistant Foundation) 40 hours training approximately.
- Certified 51 second-year PA students as Mental Health First Aiders from grant money as part of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Class.
Professional Community Service
- Alpha Eta Honor Society inducted 2018
- Elected New York State Society Physician Assistant Association House of Delegates 2020-2022 for 2 years
- New York State Society Physician Assistant Association Education Committee 2020-2021
- Conferred award of Distinguished Fellow of American Academy of Physician Assistants July 1, 2020. Recognition granted to less than 2% of all physician assistants
- Editorial Member-Clinical Medical Review and Reports (3/14/20)
- Editorial Member-American Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience (8/17/20)
- Physician Assistant Association Conference 2020/2021/2022 Fall Conference Presentation Submission Reviewer
- Recipient of PA Foundation IMPACT grant 2020
Project Name: Frontline Preparedness for Mental Health Crises
Co-PI: Sara Winter, MS, PA-C - Recipient of a TLT NYIT grant as Primary Investigator for a project entitled “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy App for Substance Abuse/Alcohol for Smart Phones.” Awarded April 15, 2022
- Recipient of ISRC NYIT Co-Investigator grant for a project entitled “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy App for Substance Abuse/Alcohol for Smart Phones.” Awarded April 15, 2022
Current Research Project in Progress
- Physician Assistant Education during the COVID 19 Pandemic: Pre-Clinical Student and Faculty Perceptions and correlation with academic outcomes. Collaboration with faculty from Stony Brook and Hofstra PA programs.