Sandra Manninger

Sandra Manninger

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Architecture

Campus: Long Island and New York City

Area(s) of Expertise: AI and ML in Architecture and Design, CNC Fabrication and Robotic Construction, Computational Design

Education Credentials: Ph.D.

Joined New York Tech: 2022

Sandra Manninger is an architect, researcher, and educator. Born and educated in Austria, she co-founded SPAN Architecture with Matias del Campo in 2003.

Her award-winning projects have been published and exhibited internationally, including at La Biennale di Venezia, MAK, and Autodesk Pier 1, and have been included in the permanent collections of the FRAC, Design Museum in Munich, and the Albertina in Vienna.

Sandra Manninger has taught internationally at the TU Vienna, University for Applied Arts, DIA Bauhaus in Dessau, UPenn, Tongji and Tsinghua Universities, the University of Michigan, and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Architecture.

Recent Projects and Research

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Honors and Awards

Courses Taught at New York Tech

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