Veneta Sotiropoulos

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Marketing
Campus: New York City
Areas of Expertise: Consumer Behavior, Social Networks and Social Influence, Brand Management, Financial Services and Credit Cards, Locally Sourced Food, Luxury Goods Market, Social and Sustainable Marketing, Mindful Consumption
Education Credentials: Ph.D.
Joined New York Tech: 2007
Veneta Sotiropoulos has published her research in journals including the Journal of Consumer Affairs and Journal of Consumer Policy, as well as in the European Journal of Neuroscience and Physiology and Behavior. She has also presented at such conferences as the European Society for Consumer Research and the Institute for Business and Finance Research.
Due to her interest in social marketing and consumer well-being, she has conducted research on overconsumption, specifically credit card mismanagement. Her goal has been to understand the impact that social networks have on consumer credit card mismanagement. She has also explored financial literacy initiatives that improve consumer well-being in both developed and emerging markets.
Sotiropoulos has also worked in brand management, brand image in particular. Her focus here has been to uncover the influence of communication strategies on brand management of luxury goods.
Recent Projects/Research
- “Understanding Credit Card Mismanagement in Emerging Markets: The Case of China”
- “The Impact of Product Knowledge and Social Networks on Consumers’ Likelihood to Purchase Locally Sourced Foods: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of North America and Asia” “Understanding Credit Card Mismanagement in Emerging Markets: The Case of China”
- Sotiropoulos, V. & A. d’Astous (2013). “Attitudinal, Self-Control, and Social Norms, Determinants of Young Consumers’ Propensity to Overspend on Credit Cards,” Journal of Consumer Policy, 36 (2), 179-196.
- Sotiropoulos, V. & A. d’Astous (2012), “Social Networks and Overspending on Credit Cards Among Young Consumers,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46 (3), 457-484.
- Sotiropoulos V. & P. Harris (2012), “The Interpretive Approach in Consumer Research: A Brief Overview,” International Journal of Research in Management, 2 (2), 152-161.
- Sotiropoulos V., C. Hadjiharalambos, & P. Harris, (2011), “Consumer Perceptions of Brand Imagery in Luxury Brands: An Exploratory Investigation,” British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 3 (1), 161-166.
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- MRKT 102 & 200: Introduction to Marketing
- MRKT 405: International Marketing
- MRKT 401: Marketing Research
- MRKT 775: Consumer Behavior