Veronica Southard

Title: Professor
Department: Physical Therapy
Campus: Long Island
Area(s) of Expertise: Geriatrics, Wellness, Health Promotion and Education
Education Credentials: M.S.; D.H.Sc.
Industry Credentials: PT, GCS, CEEAA
Joined New York Tech: 1998
Veronica Southard received a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from CUNY at Hunter College and a Master of Science in Physical Therapy from LIU Brooklyn. In 2004, she earned a D.H.Sc., from the University of St. Augustine (Florida) for the Health Sciences. Southard is board certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties as a geriatric specialist and is Certified Exercise Expert for Aging Adults by the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy.
Currently, Southard teaches geriatrics, orthopedics, modalities, ADL (activities of daily living)/rehabilitation, and neurological rehabilitation. She also practices as a New York-licensed physical therapist specializing in home health. Southard has been employed in nursing homes and hospitals; rehabilitation, pediatric, and outpatient centers; and the corporate sector. Her interests include Parkinson’s disease, healthy aging, wellness, balance and falls prevention, outcomes, and wound care, with research grants and several published papers on these topics. Southard also serves as a reviewer and editorial board member for peer review journals and a continuing education company. Her hobbies include travel and exercise.
Recent Projects/Research
- Phase II of a Herox grant for the development of a walker that will not slip and prevents falls in older adults through a sensor-activated braking system
- Development of Normative Data Using the Mini-BEST Test on Children Ages 7-17
- Admissions Factors as Predictors of Academic and Licensing Exam Success in Physical Therapy
- Southard V., Donoghue J., Belmonte J., Liboriero M., Musa M. “The effects of whole-body periodic acceleration on non-motor symptoms in people with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease.” J Advances in Medicine and Medical Research; 2018;27 (3): 1-9.
- DiFrancisco-Donoghue J., Tuite S., Hassan S., Pineda J., Aksanov A., Southard, V. “Are Wrist Worn Activity Trackers Accurate in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease?” Alzheimers Parkinsons Dis Open Access. 2018; 5(1): 001-008.
- Southard V., Colletti A., Doulos E., Frere F.P., Mathew A., et al. Are There Differences in Energy Consumption and Distance Ambulated in Young Healthy Adults Using Canes?” J Physiother Rehabil 1:1. 2017.
- Southard, V., Rhoumba, S., Schwartz, I., Sparacino, N., Weddingfeld, K., Donoghue, J. “The Effects of Whole-Body Periodic Acceleration on Non-Motor Symptoms in Persons with Parkinson’s disease: A Pilot Study.” Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation. 2017.
- Ingenito T., Hoffer M., Paler J., Southard V. “The effects of Wii bowling on balance in older adults.” Phys Med and Rehab Research. 2016; 1(2): 23-26.
- Southard V., Donoghue J., Idjadi S., MacKay J., Patel S., Patel D., Wright O. “Do compression garments improve physical performance in persons with Parkinson’s disease?” International Journal of Health Sciences at Qissam University. 2016; 10(3): 372-380.
Honors and Awards
- Award for Outstanding Research and Scholarship (2017)
- Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy Service Award (2017)
- OTAGO Exercise Program: Training for Physical Therapists (2015)
- Certified CDC STEADI: Older Adult Fall Prevention (2015)
- Presidential Excellence Award for Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process for Full-Time Faculty (New York Tech, 2012)
- Excellence in Research Award, NYIT School of Health Professions (2011)
Courses Taught at New York Tech
- Geriatrics
- ADL/Rehabilitation
- Orthopedics
- Neurorehabilitation
- Modalities