Xueting Jiang

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Management, Marketing
Campus: Long Island
Area(s) of Expertise: Organizational Studies
Education Credentials: Ph.D.
Joined New York Tech: 2016
Xueting Jiang is an associate professor in the Department of Management and Marketing at NYIT School of Management. He got his Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research interests include leadership, followership, expatriation, and conflict management. His work has been published in the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Horizons, Leadership, and other academic journals.
- Jiang, X., Calas, M. and English, A.S. (2022), "Constructing the “self”? Constructing the “place”? A critical exploration of self-initiated expatriation in China", Journal of Global Mobility, 10(3), 416-439.
- Jiang, X., Prokopovych, B., & DiStefano, G. (2021). Leveraging A Lenient Category in Practicing Responsible Leadership: A Case Study. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-13.
- Jiang, X., Snyder, K., Li, J., & Manz, C. C. (2021). How followers create leaders: The impact of effective followership on leader emergence in self-managing teams. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 25(4), 303–318.
- Jiang, X., Xu, S., Houghton, J. D., & Kulich, S. J. (2021). Leader self-development: Why do people develop themselves as leaders?. Business Horizons, 64(2), 239-248.
- Jiang, X., Xu, S., Houghton, J. D., & Manz, C. C. (2019). Shades of grey in implicit effective leadership: Searching for clarity in the midst of paradox. Leadership, 15(6), 673-695.
- Flores, H.R., Jiang, X., & Manz, C.. 2018. Intra-team conflict: the moderating effect of emotional self-leadership. International Journal of Conflict Management.
- Powell, G., Butterfield, D., & Jiang, X.. 2018. Why Trump and Clinton Won and Lost: The Roles of Hypermasculinity and Androgyny. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
- Jiang, X., Flores, H., Leelawong, R., & Manz, C. 2016. The Effect of Team Empowerment on Team Performance: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Mediating Roles of Knowledge Sharing and Intra-Group Conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management.
- Xu, S., Jiang, X., & Walsh, I. 2016. The Influence of Openness to Experience on Employee Creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior.
Honors & Awards
- Finalist for Gustavson Best Qualitative Paper Award, IM Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2015
- William H. Newman Award Nominee, IM, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2014
- Finalist for Best Student Paper Award, MOC division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2014
Course Taught at New York Tech
- BUSI 405: Business Research and Innovation
- MGMT 311: Knowledge Management
- MGMT 370: Organizational Behavior
- MGMT 605: Organizational Development and Behavioral Factors
- MGMT 725: Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation