It’s All Greek to Them: Third Annual Greek Leadership Conference

It’s All Greek to Them: Third Annual Greek Leadership Conference

March 8, 2018

In early February, nearly 100 sorority and fraternity members gathered at NYIT-Old Westbury for the Third Annual Greek Leadership Conference, Greek Speak, hosted by the Office of Student Involvement and Inclusion. The day-long event focused on the topic “Unity Through Diversity” and highlighted how differences, both in individuals and organizations, can help bring people together to better themselves and the communities around them.

Throughout the day, students from NYIT’s Manhattan and Old Westbury campuses along with students from LIU Post, SUNY Old Westbury, and City College of New York attended a keynote presentation, breakout sessions, a panel discussion, and a group session.

Participants heard from experts including Joshua Fredenburg, a leadership, diversity, and relationship speaker; Amy Bravo, senior director of International and Experiential Education; and Jamel Vanderburg, M.P.A., adjunct instructor in NYIT School of Interdisciplinary Studies and Education, about social identity, emotional intelligence, LGBTQ+ inclusion, being an ally for social justice, and civic engagement. Students also participated in group discussions where they talked about national issues affecting Greek life, including hazing, drug and alcohol use, and sexual assault, and how to break the stigma placed upon the community by these narratives.

Panelists, including NYIT students and alumni, spoke about their own experiences as members of Greek letter organizations. The conversation sparked a fruitful dialogue on topics ranging from diversity and inclusion to civic engagement to facing stereotypes. The panelists also spoke about the challenges and successes they’ve faced in their own organizations and communities and provided attendees with insights on how to create equitable and inclusive environments on their respective campuses.

Bernie Callender-James spoke about the challenges she faced as a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She talked about racism and how as a leader she created discussions around this topic and was part of a movement to create an equal environment.

Other panelists told attendees that to be equal and inclusive people need to be open to all differences. Organizational leaders have an obligation to allow all individuals to be heard no matter their color, religion, or what political party they align with.

Speakers included:

  • NYIT student Kelly Bignardi from Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc.
  • Michael Michael (B.F.A. ’97, M.A. ’98) from Gamma Omega Xi, Inc.
  • Jatinder Saini (B.S. ’97) from Delta Epsilon Psi, Inc.
  • Joshua Fredenburg, leadership and relationship expert
  • Michelle Van-Ess Grant, Director of Student Life, Fashion Institute of Technology, and member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
  • Bernie Callender-James, Chapter Advisor to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

At the end of the day, students gained valuable knowledge and skills. Participants gained the tools they need to create effective conversations and how to help each other as a fraternal or sororal community, as well as how to grow individually and become better student leaders within their organizations. For example, they learned how to recognize and address one’s own attitudes and biases and how to address issues of inclusivity within their own organizations. They walked away from the event understanding the importance of educating themselves and their members, taking action, and being a part of a system that eradicates negative behaviors.

“The discussions helped me understand that my role as a fraternity member is much larger than [I thought it was],” said Paul Ferrante, NYIT student and member of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. “Your commitment to your organization is also a commitment to your community. We need to work together in order to change policy, systemic norms, and essentially society.”

To learn more about Fraternity and Sorority Life at NYIT, visit or

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