Osteopathic Medical Student Preferences for Residency Programs with Osteopathic Recognition

Student Presenter(s): Naveed Tariq, Anisa Raidah, Pauline Huang, Helen Wong, and Lucas Hildreth
Faculty Mentor: Sheldon Yao
Department: School/College: Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury

Osteopathic training is a unique aspect of osteopathic medical schools but its importance in the context of residency preference is unclear. We set out to examine the importance of osteopathic recognition for residency preference across different specialties in osteopathic medical students. A self-administered 43- item confidential questionnaire was distributed to all current medical students at NYITCOM using an email listserv. The questionnaire included items addressing student perceptions toward residencies with osteopathic recognition, demographics, and desired specialty. The data was compared using a chi-squared test and significance is deemed as a p-value.


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