Media Coverage

Amundsen on Developing Smart Energy Talent

Apr 19, 2016

Few U.S. students graduate from college with adequate preparation to enter the smart energy field, according to Robert N. Amundsen in Metering & Smart Energy International. “In spite of excellent career opportunities opening up for smart energy talent, most undergraduates choose a traditional major, such as mathematics, electrical engineering or business administration,” he writes. “For many students, an academic minor in an energy-related discipline is a great way to acquire useful skills, and launch a successful career in Smart Energy.”


Dean Pat Chute Discusses Healthcare Faculty Recruiting in ADVANCE Publication

Apr 13, 2016

“You don’t come to higher education to make money; you come into higher education because you are committed to bringing your field of study to the next generation and you want them to learn the best from the best,” says School of Health Professions Dean Pat Chute in an ADVANCE article (p.21) on recruiting healthcare faculty.

Chute also discusses the need for faculty to stay current with clinical experience. “We allow our faculty to take one day a week to do clinicals because we need them to remain current. Medicine changes at warp speed. If instructors are not up on those changes, they are not doing adequate service to their students.”


Shane Speights, D.O. and VP Barbara Ross-Lee, D.O. Discuss NYITCOM Location at Arkansas State Univer

Apr 10, 2016

"So now we're training and growing our own physicians to meet the needs of the people of Arkansas," says NYITCOM at Arkansas State University Associate Dean Shane Speights, D.O., in an Arkansas Democrat-Gazette report (subscription required) on the school’s work to develop physicians in the state. Speights and Vice President for Health Sciences and Medical Affairs Barbara Ross-Lee, D.O., describe the new location’s features and the distinct philosophy of osteopathic medicine.


VP Dr. Barbara Ross-Lee in Story on Physician Shortage

Apr 04, 2016

Osteopathic medical schools have higher rates of graduates pursuing primary care specialties, Vice President for Health Sciences and Medical Affairs Barbara Ross-Lee, D.O., told in a story on the nation’s doctor shortage.


Dean Nada Anid in the San Fernando Valley Business Journal

Apr 04, 2016

“A holistic approach to the STEM gender gap is essential,” says School of Engineering and Computing Sciences Dean Nada Anid, Ph.D., in an article in the San Fernando Valley Business Journal about women and STEM careers. “Popular culture and policies all contribute to the problem and can contribute to the solution.”


The PIE News Features NYIT in Simon Award Coverage 

Mar 29, 2016

“Part of what attracts faculty and students to NYIT is that we are a global university. In fact, more than 10,000 of our alumni live outside the United States,” says NYIT President Edward Guiliano, Ph.D., in a story in The PIE News highlighting recipients of the 2016 Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization. This award is presented to colleges and universities that integrate international education across all aspects of their campuses. See related coverage in the Khaleej Times.


Director of Sports Medicine Hallie Zwibel, D.O. Talks Concussions on MSG

Mar 28, 2016

“Concussions are a growing problem and the most recent estimates say there are about 3.8 million concussions each year,” says Hallie Zwibel, D.O., director of sports medicine in an interview on MSG Networks in advance of NYIT Center for Sports Medicine’s April 6 concussion conference. Zwibel appeared with former New York Islander Bob Nystrom to discuss the event, the problem of concussions in sports, and the center’s education, awareness, and treatment services.


Dean Wolfgang Gilliar Discusses Benefits of Group Walking in Chicago Tribune

Mar 25, 2016

"Walking is one of the best exercises people can do," says NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine Dean Wolfgang Gilliar, D.O., in a Chicago Tribune article about group walking. "It's free, you don't need much equipment and you can do it anywhere."

Gilliar discussed the school’s “Running with VP, Walking with Dean” exercise and mentorship program. "It's become a way of opening communication," he said. "Students have access to the dean and can ask questions on a beautiful walk across a beautiful campus. It liberates the thought process. [Students] seem to be able to feel comfortable asking questions they might not ask in a formalized academic setting."


Dr. Shane Speights in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette about Graduate Medical Education

Mar 23, 2016

“We’re trying to grow the pie,” says Shane Speights, D.O., Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs at NYITCOM at Arkansas State University, in an interview with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (subscription required) about graduate medical education opportunities.


Long Island Business News Features Lou Reinisch, Ph.D.

Mar 23, 2016

“At NYIT, I am tasked with working with the deans and the faculty members to create degree programs that align with the workforce needs of the 21st century,” says NYIT’s new Associate Provost of Academic Affairs Lou Reinisch in a Long Island Business News feature (subscription required).



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