Media Coverage

Journal of Blacks in Higher Education: Sheldon Fields Joins NYIT As Dean

Jan 09, 2017

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education has announced that Sheldon D. Fields has become the new dean of NYIT School of Health Professions. Fields, who earned his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania, has extensive experience as an academic leader, most recently as dean of nursing at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in California. Fields will oversee allied health degree programs enrolling nearly 800 students.

Related coverage also appeared in Diverse Issues in Higher Education, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Insight into Diversity, and Newsday, among other publications.


Brookshield Laurent op-ed published by The Mercury News

Dec 30, 2016

Racial biases and misconceptions remain rampant in our healthcare system, and medical schools aren't doing enough to address the issue, writes Brookshield Laurent, D.O., assistant professor and vice chairperson, Clinical Specialties, NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) at Arkansas State University, in an op-ed published in The Mercury News.

"Implicit bias—the unconscious negative evaluation of a particular group—can affect medical judgment in any number of ways," notes Laurent. For example, research shows doctors are more prone to negative, nonverbal cues, such as closed body language and the avoidance of eye contact, when treating black patients as compared to white patients.

"Since many of these attitudes are established long before physicians begin their careers, medical schools have a significant role to play in addressing the problem. The first step is to help students recognize their unconscious biases early," writes Laurent.

Ultimately, she concludes, "What's most important is that medical schools aggressively pursue new strategies for combatting implicit bias, and share their lessons with the larger healthcare community."


CNBC: Glazer Writes on High-Impact Educational Practices

Dec 22, 2016

In an op-ed published by CNBC, Associate Provost for Educational Innovation Francine Glazer, Ph.D., urges universities to increase their incorporation of high-impact educational practices, or HIP, to help foster creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking skills in students.

"These practices can turn academically engaged students into profession-ready graduates," writes Glazer, who is also director of NYIT Center for Teaching and Learning.

In the commentary, Glazer notes that NYIT provides internship opportunities and project assignments for students that allow for real-world experience and meaningful results.

"Universities must evolve to better empower students to succeed once they're in the workforce," she concludes. "High-impact educational practices should be a central part of that equation," she concludes.


Deborah Cohn's Research in Washington Post, Good Morning America

Dec 16, 2016

NYIT School of Management faculty member Deborah Y. Cohn's research on unhappy gift exchanges is the subject of a column in the Washington Post. Sharing her findings about gifts that threaten recipients' self-concept, Cohn says, "These types of gifts are not a good idea. The recipients get angry. They get frustrated…Think about who [recipients] are and not who you want them to be."

ABC's Good Morning America also discussed Cohn's research, which describes reasons why people intentionally give gifts that displease recipients.


Anid, Nizich on Building Pipeline of Highly Skilled STEM Professionals: LIBN

Dec 16, 2016

SoECS Dean Nada Marie Anid and Michael Nizich, director, NYIT Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Center (ETIC), are quoted in a Long Island Business News article, "STEM Programs Sprout: LI colleges focus on preparing students to fill workforce shortage" (subscription required). In discussing how to address the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals, Nizich notes that NYIT's designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education will enable students to enter the market well prepared for jobs in cybersecurity. Further, the article notes that NYIT is working to get its students into STEM careers through business partnerships, which also contribute to the local economy. "This reduces the talent drainage out of Long Island [and] contributes to meeting the high demand for STEM talent on Long Island," Anid says.


Dr. Ross-Lee on Educating and Healing Holistically

Dec 12, 2016

In an article in Diverse Issues in Higher Education, Dr. Barbara Ross-Lee reflects on her early support for NYITCOM opening a location on the campus of Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. "Fundamentally, it kind of captured my motivation in medical education and healthcare," she says. The article provides an overview of Ross-Lee's career and move into medicine, as well as the need to improve the health status of populations in underserved areas and to provide opportunities for underrepresented minorities. Ross-Lee says, "One of the lessons I've learned is that success is not a measure of how a person is valued; it's a measure of opportunity—so one of my missions has always been to provide opportunities for minorities and for women in all areas of healthcare."


Dr. Leder: One to Watch in Education in LIBN

Dec 07, 2016

Adena Leder, D.O. is included in a feature section called “Ones to Watch: Education” in Long Island Business News (subscription required). Leder, assistant professor at NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, is recognized in her role as director of NYIT’s Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Center, which provides medical care along with physical, occupational and speech therapy services. Further, the feature reports that “Leder also leads the new NYIT Rock Steady Boxing program, which incorporates boxing into the exercise regimens of patients with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.”


NYIT Tells CommProBiz How Brand Communicators Use Snapchat

Dec 07, 2016

“Since its inception in 2011, Snapchat has managed to defy detractors who declared it yet another photo, video and messaging platform that parents and public school administrators should be concerned about, notes Brylee Kaye, NYIT social media strategist, in CommProBiz. “Marketers are now recognizing the influence that Snapchat has on a particularly important demographic,” she adds, and cites two examples of how NYIT has used Snapchat. “One particularly fun takeover included an insider’s tour of NYIT’s Manhattan Campus hosted and narrated by Student Ambassadors,” she says, and also references how NYIT created a branded Snapcode.


Q&A with Andrew Costello on Criminal Justice Careers

Dec 07, 2016

What’s the path to entering the criminal justice field in the U.S.? features a Q&A with Andrew Costello, assistant professor of behavioral science in the College of Arts and Sciences and a retired Deputy Inspector of Police. In discussing the typical educational path needed to enter the field, Costello says that “a criminal justice degree will help in subject matter related to promotional exams over other degrees. Having a completed bachelor's prior to entry will also allow for more effort in practice specialization within law enforcement while going up the supervisory ranks.”


Dean Perbellini Profiled in Women in Higher Education

Dec 01, 2016

Maria Perbellini is profiled in an article titled "'Fearless' Leader to Head Architecture School" (subscription required) in which she describes herself as an inclusive leader. The profile, announcing her appointment as the new dean of NYIT School of Architecture and Design, details Perbellini's education, professional experience, and the path that led her to become an architect and academic administrator. "When you're in a leadership position, you have to bring out the best in others," she says. "This job is not about me. It is about the community I found here."



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