Software Library

GraphPad Prism

Prism is specifically formatted for the analyses you want to run, including analysis of quantitative and categorical data. This makes it easier to enter data correctly, choose suitable analyses, and create stunning graphs.


Graphpad Resources

  • Explore educational resources to advance your knowledge of Prism, statistics and data visualization.


Can I install this software on my personal computers?

Yes, this software can be installed on personal computers. 

Where is this software located on campus?

1 computer Theobald Hall room 409

1 computer Theobald Hall room 411

1 computer Theobald Hall room 425

1 computer Theobald Hall room 432

1 computer Theobald Hall room 438

Where can I get help with this software?

For any assistance needed, help can be found on the GraphPad Support page. 

Are there any self-paced tutorials?

Video tutorials can be found on the GraphPad resources page

What does this software cost?

How to buy

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