
Information Technology Services wants to make sure that New York Tech staff members have the resources and support they need to not only get their job done, but to get it done well. We provide you with the software, digital, and tech platforms you need to succeed, connect you with secure internet service and printing on campus, and offer recommendations and discounts on hardware, tech resources, and more. And our ITS Help Desk team is just a phone call away to help you with all of your technology-related needs.

Built to Succeed

Experience well-equipped smart classrooms on every campus, wifi access in our outdoor campus parklets and study lounges, outstanding online learning platforms, high-quality printing resources, and much more.

Staff Resources

From software downloads and productivity tools, to info and training on how to set up and use email, Zoom, Canvas, and other tools, to a directory of classrooms and conference rooms on campus, we’ll make sure you have the tools you need to do your job.

Circuit with 3d cloud rendering

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02:43 a.m.

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01:43 a.m.

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11:43 p.m.


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