Get Textbook Assistance Now

The Libraries' Commitment to Textbook Affordability

New York Tech Libraries is an essential partner in the University’s educational and research mission and actively supports the student learning experience. One of the ways we do this is through promoting and assisting faculty with the adoption of low and no-cost course materials like Open Educational Resources (OER) and library eBooks.

Faculty who are interested in lowering student costs can work with librarians to locate high-quality course materials.

Get Textbook Assistance Now


  • Check NYIT Libraries for print or ebook copies of your assigned textbook (or Ask a Librarian for help!).
  • Contact your instructor to discuss reduced-cost options, including asking faculty to place a copy on Library Reserve.
  • Consider purchasing or renting digital ebooks or buy used books.
Did you know that student groups may request to have materials purchased by the New York Tech Libraries?



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