
Alumni Profile: Denise Berger

Denise Berger (B.Arch. '86) is chief of operations of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) and oversees major transportation projects.

Student Outcomes, the CyBears, and the Latest Alumni News

In the Fall 2018 issue: The ESports revolution arrives on campus, the next generation starts their careers, architecture receives $2 million grant, and more.

Alumni Profile: Mitchell Kunik

Mitchell Kunik’s (B.A. ’80) natural affinity for architecture has helped him lead a successful career and earn more than 350 design awards.

Friends in High Places: 10th Friends of Architecture and Design Reception

More than 350 alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends gathered for the 10th annual Alumni and Friends of the School of Architecture and Design Reception on September 27.

New Brief: Architecture Student Work Selected for Juried Exhibition

The work of five NYIT School of Architecture and Design students will be on display at the 2018 Design Communication Association Biennial Juried Exhibition from October 1 through 11.

News Brief: NYIT Among DesignIntelligence’s Top-Ranked Architecture Schools

NYIT School of Architecture and Design is ranked No. 31 on DesignIntelligence’s list of top-ranked schools across the United States.

News Brief: 3-D Printed Houses Are Closer Than You Think

Imagine you could use a 3-D printer to build a couch or a house. With Associate Professor Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa’s portable 3-D printer, that idea might be closer that you think.

Video: Can Architecture Change Inter-Korea Relations?

In a Facebook Live session, Assistant Professor Dongsei Kim, M.Des., and Stephen Noerper, a fellow at Columbia University, discussed the impact architecture could have on the Korean DMZ.

Giovanni Santamaria

Giovanni Santamaria has been teaching continuously at New York Tech’s School of Architecture and Design since 2008. He has served as a member of the Fulbright Scholarship Program's National Screening Committee and taken numerous groups of students on summer study abroad trips, but he is most satisfied when he sees his students growing and learning.

News Brief: FEW Researchers Strategize at NYIT

Scientists, designers, and others interested in the food/energy/water nexus met at NYIT to establish a research network.

Architecture Students Put Their Designs "In Harm's Way"

NYIT School of Architecture and Design students create solutions to help storm-ravaged Long Island communities.

Mythic VR: Where Gaming and Architecture Collide

Two NYIT graduates have figured out a way to apply video game technology to architectural design.


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