
Study: Gamers “Stand” to Benefit from Walking Breaks

Researchers from New York Tech’s Center for Esports Medicine have published a study in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine that evaluates if walking breaks can benefit gamers’ reaction time and executive function.

NYITCOM Student Secures Prestigious AHA Scholarship

College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) student Risa Kiernan received the highly competitive 2021 Scholarship in Cardiovascular Disease from the American Heart Association (AHA).

Why We Need to Keep Smartphones Out of the Classroom

In an International Business Times op-ed, College of Arts and Sciences’ Melissa Huey, Ph.D., calls for widespread critical thinking education initiatives, explaining how the pandemic has exacerbated Gen Z’s digital dependencies.

NIH Grant Funds Depression Research

Assistant Professor Weikang Cai, Ph.D., secured a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study how certain brain cells respond to chronic stress. The research project could help identify breakthrough treatments for clinical depression, which affects more than 260 million people worldwide.

Advanced Undergrad Research on Display

On May 12, eight teams comprising 28 students in the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences’ Undergraduate Research and Entrepreneurship Program presented their research to faculty, peers, and others via a virtual event.

Rethinking Human Origins

The College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Nathan Thompson, Ph.D., is co-author to a new report in the journal Science, which aims to explain ape and human evolution, including how scientists can get closer to discovering our last common ancestor.

Biology Student Presents Cancer Treatment Research

Biology major Kaitlyn Accardi presented her cancer treatment research virtually at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research.

Making Radars Smarter in Congested Radio Frequency Environment

Assistant professor Batu Chalise, Ph.D., and a professor at Villanova University have been awarded $240,000 from the Army Research Laboratory as part of a subcontract from Alion Science and Technology to enhance state-of-the-art radar functionality.

Study: Brain Size May Not Indicate Intelligence

Brian Beatty, Ph.D., associate professor of anatomy at NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) helped to publish a study that suggests that brain size, relative to body size, may not be an accurate measurement of intelligence.

NYRA Collaborates with New York Tech’s Center for Sports Medicine

The New York Racing Association, Inc. (NYRA) and the Center for Sports Medicine announced a collaboration that establishes the Center for Sports Medicine as NYRA’s official concussion management team.

Mixed Reality Game Brings 16th-Century Literature to the Modern Age

Perchance: An AR Hamlet Mystery provides New York Tech students with an in-depth experience of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

NYITCOM Student Uses Social Media to Address Health Misinformation

A new research paper in the journal JMIR Dermatology, co-authored by NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine student Moshe Bressler, reveals a major concern among dermatologists: social media plays a dangerous role in spreading misinformation on skin health.


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