Symposium Goes Virtual to Address Parkinson’s Impact on Younger Women
The Young Women’s Patient Education Virtual Forum, an interdisciplinary symposium on May 28, attracted more than 70 people with Parkinson’s disease, caregivers, and medical professionals to focus attention and spur research on the oft-overlooked segment of females diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in their 30s and 40s.
News Byte: NYITCOM 2020 Graduate Receives Research Award
Jennifer Behbodikhah, D.O. (’20), received the Eastern Section Scholars Award from the American Federation for Medical Research.
Alumni Profile: Natalía Reynisdóttir
Natalía Reynisdóttir (B.S. ’19), now a Program Management Associate at Ovid Therapeutics, began working for the company as an intern during her last undergraduate summer. She reflects on how her studies and research experiences while pursuing her biotechnology degree at New York Tech prepared her for success.
Cybersecurity Students Partner with GOWIN Semiconductor to Solve Security Challenge
Graduate cybersecurity students at New York Tech’s Vancouver campus worked with China-based GOWIN Semiconductor, the world’s fastest-growing programmable logic company.
NYITCOM Researchers Link Increase in Lyme Disease to Climate Change
NYITCOM researchers remind New Yorkers of Lyme disease risk.
Health Professions Students Share Research at Annual Aletheia Symposium
School of Health professions students and faculty gathered for a two-day Zoom conference to present their research at this year’s virtual Aletheia Symposium.
Hydroxychloroquine Explained
Biological and Chemical Sciences students and faculty discuss the fascination with hydroxychloroquine and its potential to treat the virus responsible for COVID-19.
Mechanical Engineering Simulations Raise Pediatric Brain Injury Awareness
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at NYIT College of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Milan Toma, Ph.D., published an op-ed in International Business Times about using computer simulations to help prevent head trauma in young children.
E.R.R.S.E.L.A. Offers a New Take on Tech
E.R.R.S.E.L.A., or the ETIC Research Robot for Student Engagement and Learning Activities, provides a virtual lab for collaborative research for New York Tech students, faculty, and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Prehistoric “Crazy Beast” Unlocks an Evolutionary Mystery
The discovery of Adalatherium, a possum-sized mammal from Madagascar, provides new insights on the diversity of the mammals living on the ancient southern supercontinent Gondwana.
Simulating Pediatric Head Trauma
Mechanical engineering student Alfonso Dehesa Baeza talks about his research on abusive head trauma.
Engineering’s Chalise Earns Summer Faculty Research Fellowships
Assistant Professor Batu Chalise, Ph.D., has been awarded the Office of Naval Research and Air Force Research Laboratory Summer Faculty Research Fellowships.