
News Brief: FEW Researchers Strategize at NYIT

Scientists, designers, and others interested in the food/energy/water nexus met at NYIT to establish a research network.

NYIT Receives Grant for Smartphone Security Research

NYIT receives a nearly $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to research secure ways to authenticate user identity, without quickly depleting a smartphone's battery.

Women and Technology

NYIT Board of Trustee member Caroline Watteeuw imparts her expertise to SoECS students.

Moriel Schottlender

As a software engineer at the Wikimedia Foundation, the open source organization that brought the world Wikipedia, Moriel Schottlender (M.S. ’14, Computer Science) has plenty of room to test herself.

Pranav Krishnamurthy

“The way technology is advancing rapidly, you do a lot of self-teaching,” says Pranav Krishnamurthy. As a software developer at Sanef ITS Technologies America Inc., a leading mobile toll technology company, he’s learning all the time.

Laurie Cantileno

After graduation, Cantileno went to work as a programmer full-time. “Around that time, a lot of women started going into technology,” she says. “But it was tough—I would walk into a room, and I would immediately be judged. I had to prove myself.”

Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong

From computer network and security to engineering tools for better quality of life, Cecilia Dong believes that creativity is the key to training next-generation engineers and entrepreneurs—a point she routinely makes to her students.

Paolo Gasti

His research focuses on privacy-preserving genomic computation. In other words, as advanced DNA sequencing technologies revolutionize the medical field and bring the possibility of digitized genomes closer to reality, Gasti is interested in how engineers will address the privacy concerns of individuals who may one day have access to obtaining and storing their DNA sequences online.

Nada Anid

The first female dean of NYIT's School of Engineering and Computing Sciences (SoECS), Nada Anid oversees 80 engineering and computing sciences faculty members and nearly 3,500 graduate and undergraduate students at NYIT campuses located in Manhattan and Old Westbury, N.Y., Canada, China, and the Middle East.

Google Recruiters Share Career Tips with NYIT Students

Undergraduate and graduate computer science students participated in a site tour, luncheon, and technology talk.


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