
60 Photos Celebrate NYIT History

View The Box's anecdotes, campus facts, and retro photos from our community.

NYIT's Computer Graphics History Is Out of This World

Learn about NYIT's connection to Pixar and one of the animation studio's earliest groundbreaking films.

Digital Noise Reducer Invented at NYIT

In the 1970s, William Glenn (pictured) developed an essential tool for television outlets such as CBS News.

Men's Soccer Team Kicked Off the '80s with Playoffs Bid

Find out how the Bears established themselves as top contenders in the 1980s.

Campus Slate Interview with Hollywood Actress

In 1980, Diane Lane was a teenager with a new film in U.S. theaters. She spoke to The Campus Slate about her work.

NYIT Staff Member Recalls Two Storms, Many Kindnesses

Patricia Duran describes how the NYIT community mobilized for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts in November 2012.

Throwback Thursday Photo: Homecoming

Did you know NYIT used to host homecoming with a festive pep rally featuring aerial balloons?

First NYIT Drama Production Performed in 1966

One year after NYIT opened a campus in Old Westbury, students staged their first play.

Throwback Thursday Photo: Halloween

Can you guess the decade when this spooky photo was taken?

Alumnus Remembers Hurricane Sandy Relief

When the storm hit the New York tri-state area in 2012, Larry Kamguia (M.A. '13) was an NYIT student.

Club Football Was No. 1 in Defense

One little-known fact is NYIT had an outstanding club football team that went on a winning streak 45 years ago.

NYIT Established its Alumni Association in 1970

Our proud graduates form a powerful network of professionals who keep in touch with each other over the years.


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