
Matthew Batista

Matthew Batista is an alumnus who majored in architecture.

Natalia Chancafe

Natalia Chancafe is majoring in Communication & Media Production.

Askia VanOmmeren

Askia VanOmmeren is assistant director of Experiential Education.

Michael Schiavetta

Michael Schiavetta is Special Communications Strategist at NYIT.

Eric Butterman

Freelance writer

Bobbie Dell’Aquilo

Bobbie Dell’Aquilo is the former executive director of strategic communications at New York Tech.

Carol Lane

Carol Lane is a senior major gift officer.

Ron Goldberg

Ron Goldberg is director of digital communications.

Karen Marie Belnap

Freelance writer

Paulana Lamonier

Paulana Lamonier was a social media strategist at New York Tech.

Sarah McGough

Sarah McGough was a student engagement specialist in the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences.

Veronika Nemcová

Veronika Nemcová was a student majoring in advertising, public relations, and technology.


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